Chesed’s Order

by Benjamin Schipper, J. Aaron Culpepper

Genres: Children & Young Adult, Illustrated Books

ISBN: 9781620202630

32 pages

Price: $14.99

The center point of all human history is come. While Earth sleepily awaits the momentary entrance of her Savior, Heaven’s celestial courts resound with celebration at the prophesied birth of its King. Chesed, a mere “ordinary” angel, who’s yet found most fervent in service and praise, longs for a mere glimpse into the great mystery of his King’s great love for fallen mankind—love which now sends Him to redeem them with His own lifeblood!      News of Royal orders issued to an angel host, deigned to herald the King’s birth to certain shepherds of Judea, fills Chesed with glad anticipation. Though perplexed by the Divine wisdom in choosing lowly shepherds to receive the announcement, still the lower echelon angel relishes the thought of heralding the birth of the King to very subjects of His love. But when the angel host receives their choice order without him, will Chesed be left behind to his regular courtly services? Would his beloved King deny Chesed’s passionate praise? Or perhaps might there be some special order left just for him?


Lost deep in a good story, whether it's reading or writing, is just where J. Aaron Culpepper most likes to be found. Although fiction is his love, still the story Aaron revels in most of all is one he believes to be most true—the timeless story of Jesus and His sacrificial love for people. To interweave an intriguing fictitious plot with the Bible’s timeless plot of God’s redemption of humanity, defines much of success for Aaron as a writer. More such stories, beyond Chesed’s Order, Aaron hopes to share for the glory of his Lord and the pleasure of his readers.