The Divine Love of God: Are You Accepting or Rejecting It?

by Jeannette E. Saucy

Genres: Christian Living

ISBN: 9781620205556

112 pages

Price: $10.99

The whole earth is filled with God’s glory. God has made Himself evident to all of us by what He has created. This God loves you and wants you to respond to Him with your love. But how can you respond when you don’t know Him and what He has done to show His love for you?

The Divine Love of God is written to tell you about God—His character and that He loves you no matter who you are or what you have done. He has a plan and purpose for your life. This is not a god who demands hard work from you to appease him or her to gain approval. This is the non-condemning, forgiving God of the Bible who wants you to know Him and accept the work that He has done for you.

It is my hope that the truth of God’s love will be made real to you and you make the decision to accept God’s divine love.


Jeannette E. Saucy is a retired elementary school teacher and resides in Richmond, California: “I was a young girl when I became a Christian but it wasn’t until decades later that I started to know God. I knew about Him but I didn’t know Him. This made a vast difference in my life. This is my first book and I wrote it to help others learn to know God and how very much He longs for your acceptance of His love.”