A Time To Die: A Biblical Look at End of Life Issues

by Dr. Wally Morris

Genres: Grief

ISBN: 9781620202456

192 pages

Price: $14.99

Death comes to everyone sooner or later. For some, death comes quickly, without any warning. For others, death comes more slowly. Many people wonder how to make difficult decisions about medical treatment, especially when the cost of medical care increases every year. Eighty percent of Americans have not clearly and legally expressed their wishes about medical care. Families struggle with making decisions about about treatment of those they love, and pastors struggle with what advice to give families about a decision that will probably be irreversible and have permanent consequences.

This book focuses on the historical, ethical, legal, medical, and Biblical aspects of the often difficult decisions individuals and families must make about the medical treatment of someone who is dying. The book reviews preparations people can make before they find themselves in the hospital and gives suggestions for end-of-life preparations. Because the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life and death, we have a reliable guide provided by One who already knows the answers and has anticipated our questions.


Dr. Wally Morris, a graduate of the University of Georgia, received his masters and doctorate from Bob Jones University. His articles have appeared in Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette and Huntington Herald-Press, and he recorded radio programs for Fort Wayne’s 1090 AM. Dr. Morris is currently the pastor of Charity Baptist Church, located in Huntington, IN, and has been since 1996.