Why the Gospel Witnesses Agree: and What This Means For Us

by Everett Coates

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Christian Living

ISBN: 9781935507413

160 pages

Price: $11.99

For years my struggles over the seeming disagreements between the gospels, particularly regarding Jesus’ birth, crucifixion and resurrection, and His Second Coming, in tandem with my attempt to reconcile Genesis 1 through 11 with my training in evolutionary geology, had been destroying my faith in the Bible and quietly leading me toward atheism. I was a lost church-goer until January of 1990 when God suddenly and dramatically showed me that His Word is true (and evolution is not!) and led me to a saving faith in His Son.

One day I began thinking again about the gospel discrepancies, knowing that there must be a simple explanation. It occurred to me that since they are eyewitness accounts, possibly treating them as such and combining them as law enforcement officers do with multiple eyewitness statements might solve the problem. It did! Why the Gospel Witnesses Agree and What this Means for us combines the gospels at the three most crucial points in the earthly life of Jesus Christ, demonstrating that the differences are not errors. Rather they are the normal result of the various viewpoints of the eyewitnesses, which disappear when the accounts are put together in a logical order.


Everett Coates received a BS degree in geology from North Carolina State University in 1975 and has worked for over thirty years as a soil scientist with the USDA Soil Conservation Service and as an environmental health specialist, soil scientist and environmental engineer with the Wake County Department of Environmental Services in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is a sustaining (non-voting) member of the Creation Research Society. For several years he was a member of the Board of the Triangle Association for the Science of Creation in Raleigh. He also served for approximately three years on the North Carolina Innovative and Experimental Committee, which advises and provides guidance to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health, On-Site Water Protection Section concerning information provided by manufacturers of new innovative and experimental on-site waste water treatment and disposal technologies.