Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” Series. Author Sherry Matthews Plaster is the author of The Divine Deal, a great salvational resource for young adults. Here are Sherry’s five things:
I was six years old the first time the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. I remember getting out of bed to tell my mother. She tried to dismiss it at first; surely at six I didn’t understand what I was saying. After a few questions, we prayed together and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I was baptized shortly thereafter.
I had absolutely no desire to be a mother. I awoke one morning changed. Just like that. I wanted to be a mother more than I had ever wanted anything in my life. I was 25 years old. Without a husband and no prospects in sight, I began to pray. By 30 I thought that maybe it just wasn’t in God’s plans for my life. More than 10 years later, at 36 years old, my first child was born. My children are my greatest blessings.
I am not a writer; I never aspired to be. This book was solely written for my children. Or so I thought. Before having it bound into a book, I hired an editor to look it over for errors. It was she who told me it should be published. “It would be a shame if your children were the only ones to read this. Put it out there,” she said. More than a year later I sought a second opinion and it was in seeking the second opinion that led to being published.
I am an aquaphile. Whether a lake, river, stream or ocean I absolutely adore being there. There was a small running creek behind the house where I grew up and I spent much of my time outdoors there as a child. The ocean is my favorite. The majestic beauty is calming and reminds me of the wonder of our Creator.
I am a night owl. Going to bed at a decent hour has always been a struggle for me. Whether it’s reading, watching television, doing laundry, praying or meditation, I enjoy the peace of night time.
Learn more about Sherry Matthews Plaster and The Divine Deal by visiting www.sherrymatthewsplaster.com.