Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Authors Lindon and Sherry Gareis wrote the recently released book, Declutter Now!: Uncovering the Hidden Joy and Freedom in Your Life, available now. Here are Lindon and Sherry’s five things:
We started writing Declutter Now! after dating for only two months. We had each always wanted to write and publish a book, and both had started books over the years, but neither had ever completed one. It was only after God saw fit to bring us together that we were able to write, finish and publish a book. Thanks God!
We love ALL things water. You’ll often find us in the pool, at the lake, boating or taking a vacation by the ocean. It doesn’t matter if it’s saltwater, freshwater or even chlorinated pool water! Just get us in, on, or by the water and we’re happy campers!
The #1 comment we get about Declutter Now! is, “WOW! This book is so much more than I expected!” Many people think we only address decluttering physical space, but then are delighted to find out we declutter much, much more, including relationships, finances, careers, kids, physical and mental health, and even spirituality. It’s a whole life, comprehensive approach!
We are certified Christian Life Coaches providing individual and couple-to-couple coaching. Our focus is forward motion – helping people get from ‘where they are’ to ‘where they want to be’ through assessment, action plans, accountability and encouragement. We coach nationwide via phone or Skype and speak to issues such as decluttering (of course!), relationships, single-parenting, women’s/men’s issues, small business, and spirituality.
We own four acres of land ninety minutes outside of Phoenix and hope to build a home on it in the near future. This would make for a perfect writing getaway, as well as an excellent opportunity to host couples for Intensive Coaching Retreats. The air is clean, mountains are beautiful, and climate ideal.
Learn more about Lindon and Sherry and Declutter Now! by visiting www.actionplanministries.com.