For 24 hours we’re offering a brand new fiction title for just 99¢! Pick up Robert Parlante’s honest and touching novel Patch Town: A Letter From Miss Wingate for less than a buck for the Kindleduring our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend and then it will return to regular price.
Synopsis: Widower for three years. Frequent periods of unemployment throughout his life. Unresolved anger. A fragmented family that cannot deal with a father spiraling downward. Martin receives a letter from his old 8th grade teacher asking him to forgive her for a painful childhood incident. He is overwhelmed once again by his hatred for Miss Wingate, blaming her for much of what went wrong in his life. His son and daughter eventually help him take reluctant steps to forgive the teacher he wished was long dead. He meets recently divorced Linda who brings a flow of freshness into his life. She encourages Martin to visit the teacher, now dying from dementia in a nursing home. Along his journey to a coal mining community to meet the teacher, strangers enter his life compelling him to confront his past and unsure future—helping him move from failure to forgiveness and spiritual redemption. BUY NOW!