For 24 hours we’re offering a brand new fiction title for just 99¢! Pick up the author Teresa Herbic’s latest YA title Dog Tales for less than a buck for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend and then it will return to regular price. During this sale we will also be offering the first in the series Cat Tales for just 99¢ on Kindle.
Synopsis DOG TALES: Let’s emBARK upon a whole new journey with eight real adopted dogs, their friends, and family! As these incredible canines discover the blessings of following God’s plan, we laugh and learn more about life, ourselves and our Creator. Dog Tales is based on the Beatitudes, part of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-12). For each Beatitude, a special adopted pet represents and exhibits the important character Jesus calls for His followers. Dog Tales gets pup close and personal with these amazing dogs—adopted by the author and her family—and also features other adoptive pet friends. As you visit each tale, may you be motivated through stories of God’s love, humility, mercy, hope, courage, compassion, peace and joy.
Synopsis CAT TALES: Discover the fruit of the Spirit through nine lives of nine incredible cats!
Cat Tales is a practical and fun way to teach children about the significant fruit of the Spirit, while enjoying the sensational adventures of nine real cats.
Cat Tales shares the stories of nine remarkable cats exploring nine abundant lives. During their experiences, they learn about the importance of God’s plan, while they each exhibit a fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23, NLT). Cats tell stories from their own perspective. Each cat, related to one another, was adopted by the author and her family.
Reading this book may very well inspire you to adopt a kitten or cat. Maybe you have already? May God bless you as you seek His good will and the fruit of the Spirit through these extraordinary Cat Tales!