Christian Military Series SALE: 99¢ One Day ONLY!

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The call came down from Command, and your warrior husband is out the door, leaving you behind to handle whatever he has left undone, and being a military spouse brings challenges few appreciate. Yet God sees you and longs for you to boldly step into His plan. He purposely chose you for this moment—for your man. He wants to give you abundantly more than what you have right now and desires you to thrive as your warrior’s bride.

For this reason, Kathy Barnett and Carrie Daws have written The Warrior’s Bride series as Christian resources to help the military families not only survive, but thrive.

The entire The Warrior’s Bride series is available for 99¢ each for this week’s sale!  That’s seven books, each individual book selling for 99¢ through today only.  After today, The Warrior’s Bride returns to $9.99, so be sure to take advantage of the sale and collect the whole series! Pick up your copies by the end of the day!WarriorsBride99

The Warrior’s Bride: Biblical Strategies to Help the Military Spouse Thrive: The call came down from Command, and your warrior husband is out the door, leaving you behind to handle whatever he has left undone. Whether it’s the day-to-day monotony, the inevitable appliance that breaks, or the months without his presence beside you, being a military spouse brings challenges few appreciate. Yet God sees you and longs for you to boldly step into His plan. He purposely chose you for this moment- for your man. He wants to give you abundantly more than what you have right now and desires you to thrive as your warrior’s bride. BUY NOW

Your Extended Family: A Military Spouse’s Biblical Guide to Surviving Within and Without Your FamilyFamily. They can be one of our biggest blessings and one of our biggest stressors. Family members that don’t understand the military system can complicate your life, and sometimes the best-intentioned relative can undercut everything you are trying to build with your husband. Living far away can also be hard if you have a medical emergency. Deployments and high ops tempos give loneliness and depression the opportunity to take over. Are there really any practical answers? What does the Bible say about dealing with and living apart from family. BUY NOW

Reintegration: A Military Spouse’s Biblical Guide to Surviving After the HomecomingDeployments are inevitable in military life. Short or long, relatively safe or extremely dangerous, time away from our men is standard issue. How can the family left behind best deal with the transition before and after deployment? And what should we do if he comes home different? Those who deal with long separations due to a career know that the first weeks back can be trickier than when you first began living together as a couple, particularly if the mission was stressful or life-threatening. While the Bible doesn’t specifically mention reintegration, God still gives us great advice on preparing our hearts and minds so that our marriage can thrive even through Reintegration. BUY NOW

Moving: A Military Spouse’s Biblical Guide to Surviving a PCSWe’ve got orders! As many military spouses know, these simple words change your life. Whether you are moving just a couple of states over or around the world, a flurry of activity is about to consume your calendar. Where do you start? How do you begin to process all your emotions or prepare your children to say goodbye to their friends? How do you know if you need to host a yard sale or even what your weight limit is? Take a deep breath and know that help is available. This book and the free moving checklist will get you started in the right direction. BUY NOW

Finances: A Military Spouse’s Biblical Guide to Personal FinanceMoney. It’s one of the biggest stressors in marriages. Many live paycheck-to-paycheck, struggling to both cover all the bills and save for retirement. Often husband and wife disagree over petty expenses, forgetting that they are on the same team. But money doesn’t have to be a constant battle. Not only does the Bible give a lot of guidance, but God also provided examples of people getting it right. With a shift in focus and a little disciplined effort, you can gain control over your finances instead of your finances controlling you. BUY NOW

Other Military Spouses: A Military Spouse’s Biblical Guide to Finding Great FriendsOther military spouses can be one of the biggest stressors in a wife’s life. From gossipers to back-biters to spouse shamers, the problem is reaching epidemic proportions, and many don’t know what to do about it. What if you could find a better way? Instead of attacking the problem-women head on or avoiding all women entirely, what if you could find women worth knowing and cherishing? No matter where you are, God placed around you women of great value, women who strive to love Him first, and women who want to love and encourage you. Instead of resigning yourself to a life of loneliness, let me show you who to avoid and what characteristics to look for in quality friends. BUY NOW