For 24 hours we’re offering one of our hot non-fiction titles for just 99¢! Pick up Holly Mthethwa’s new book Hot Chocolate in June: A True Story of Loss, Love and Restoration for less than a buck for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend and then it will return to regular price.
Synopsis: Under-qualified and overly-ambitious, Holly left her family and friends behind in Nebraska to search for that radical life, that all-for-Jesus-or-nothing-at-all life. Escaping the depression that chased her following her father’s untimely and agonizing death, this young accountant-turned-adventurer trekked to remote mountain villages and through city streets smelling of human excrement: all in search of a Father’s love. Thousands of miles from the only home she’d ever known, Holly discovered a deeper passion for her God while sharing the gospel in India and soothing abandoned babies in South Africa.
We’re giving away TWO Hot Chocolate in June prize packs!
1. Buy the Hot Chocolate in June ebook from any retailer, at any price. Forward your receipt to [email protected] by May 28 to enter.
2. Visit to enter.Prize packs include a paperback copy of the book, hot chocolate mix and chocolates from Nebraska-based Bakers Candies, and handmade hot chocolate candles from Good Neighbors Candle Co or Candelit Desserts.