This May, in honor of Mother’s Day and the great moms in the world, Ambassador International would like to highlight books written for mothers with its Mother’s Day Gift Guide! The perfect Mother’s Day gift for a mom in your life, and a gift that keeps on giving.
The High Calling of Motherhood (Book and study guide): written for the mom who seeks so much more.
Why Did You Choose Me: a book for the adoptive or foster mom to share with the children of her heart.
Time Out for Tired Moms: a book for the exhausted mom, in need of her own time out and rejuvenation.
The Inconceivable Truth: a book for the woman struggling with the heartbreak of infertility.
The Life She Once Knew: a book for the mother struggling against impossible odds and searching for faith.
52 Conversations to Have With Your Teen: a book for the mother looking to reconnect and grow in her relationship with her teenage children.
Chickening In: a book for the mother searching for a guide to quenching anxiety, fear, and hopelessness, and turning her gaze towards God.
Chronic Love: for the mother struggling to parent and love her children in the midst of chronic illness.
Enough of Me: a study for mothers looking to win in the tug of war between an Instagram-perfect life and the truth of the Bible.
The past year, the world has relied heavily on the capabilities of mothers everywhere, as many women balanced it all, all while striving to still grow in their faith and relationships. This year, give Mom the gift of a good book, a cup of coffee, and a quiet space to enjoy it.
Happy Mother’s Day from Ambassador International.