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JJ Gutierrez

JJ Gutierrez is living the Chickening IN life! She didn’t start out as a courageous, brave women of God. Growing up in a home where her mother had multiple marriages and then her mother’s death when JJ was just eighteen years old had a profound effect on her need for security and certainty. Fear and anxiety planted deep seeds that carried into her young adulthood…seeds that grew into a fearful lifestyle. Becoming a Christian in her early twenties started the transformation process, but it would take years of confronting fears and learning to trust God before God’s truth grew bigger than her fear. Her first-hand knowledge in overcoming fear makes her well equipped to share her Chickening IN journey. JJ has made some very bold and courageous decisions including quitting her six figure income career and becoming a homeschool mom. She attributes any success or victories over fear to her twenty-four year relationship Jesus Christ. JJ lives in Northern, CA, with her husband and tween daughter. Her two oldest daughters have launched into adulthood.
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