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Kevin J. McCarthy
Dr. Kevin J McCarthy is a retired clinical psychologist with 25 years of experience working with wounded families. His personal life experiences have served as a basis for developing a spiritual outreach to offenders and their families. Those experiences include recovery from an extended history of alcohol and drug abuse which led to a period of incarceration. Dr. McCarthy approaches his work from the level of his personal experiences and his clinical training ensuring a unique approach to the possibilities of a personal transformation. He does not believe in “throwaway people”, but articulates his belief that God has a plan for every life. Dr. McCarthy provides workshops and training seminars for mental health professionals, and clergy forging a new look at using spirituality with effective therapy interventions. His current efforts have included authorship of five books on the dynamics of redeeming live. He serves as a business and government consultant and lectures widely about the twin concepts of Knowetics and Severicide.