52 Conversations to Have With Your Teen

by Derek T. Rowe

Genres: Christian Living, Inspirational

ISBN: 9781620208298

96 pages

Price: $11.99

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Are you a busy parent? Do you find it difficult to have intentional conversations with your teenager? 52 Conversations to Have With Your Teen will provide you with one purposeful question to ask your teen each week in order to foster positive conversations on a regular basis. Each question is followed up with a short commentary and a Bible verse that ties into the theme of the week. This book will provide you with thought-provoking questions that will allow your teenager to share his or her thoughts with you consistently on a variety of topics. It will also challenge you, as the parent, to think about these questions for yourself and be prepared to share your thoughts. One of the best ways to instill authentic faith into kids is for parents to talk about God and faith with their kids regularly. 52 Conversations to Have With Your Teen will enhance your relationship with your teen and your relationship with Jesus.

52 Conversations to Have With Your Teen is an excellent and practical resource for parents to connect with their teens but, more importantly, to connect their teens with God right where they live.
Brian Fox, Pastor
Loami Baptist Church
Loami, Illinois

52 Conversations to Have With Your Teen contains some VERY thought-provoking questions that I have personally used to start some very cool discussions with my own sons!  How often have you lamented the fact that our time and influence on young people is SO short? 52 Conversations to Have With Your Teen is a great tool that we as parents and youth leaders can use to make the most of the fleeting moments we have with our precious young people!
Koko Korver, Youth Pastor
Palmetto Baptist Church
Powdersville, South Carolina


Derek grew up in the midwest and currently resides in Topeka, KS, with his wife and daughter. He has served in a variety of roles, and he has been involved in ministry since 2010. Derek has a BA in English and a Master of Theological Studies in Leadership from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.