Autism Demystified: Disclosing the Mysteries of Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

by Jason M. Hufft

Genres: Cooking & Lifestyle

ISBN: 9781620202777

480 pages

Price: $18.99

Autism is currently a mysterious topic of discussion with very little information revealing its true identity and nature. Autism Demystified reveals autism and unfolds the delusion of this astonishingly unique birth boundary by providing a thorough explanation and examination of the behaviors, social character, and mind associated with the autistic individual. The revelation of the birth of autism is also revealed. Autism Demystified is a guidebook for anyone raising or caring for a child with autism, ADD, dyslexia, or related birth boundary. Readers will discover a comprehensive description of autism and ADD as well as a wealth of information including coping strategies for managing children with these challenges.


Jason Hufft currently works with children with autism, ADD, and related birth boundaries. His experience with multiple cases of autism and ADD has provided him with a wealth of knowledge which has blossomed from years of comprehensive study and gathered information from observations of the behaviors of children. He provides informative workshops and presentations on autism and ADD and also assists concerned caregivers who are in need of assistance in providing reports to their children’s physician.