Autumn Rain is a message of faith’s journey, having a beginning, becoming dependent, being responsible, fruitful and then transforming the landscape through transplanted lives. The metaphor of the garden is carried throughout the book; beginning faith is nurtured by Spring Rain but transforming faith has a harvest, an abundance brought by the Autumn Rain, the rain of Harvest. It is a faith that continues to change the landscape of life.
Like her second book, Light Breaking Through, Billie writes in a journalistic free verse style. In looking through the lens of her own life and finding stories of women who triumphed and persevered, Billie shares stories that are up-close and personal. She tells stories of the deep and abiding faith of John and June Cash and others in her family whose lives are a testament to the goodness of God. She challenges women to know, love and serve God; and to finish well.
“Autumn Rain is relevant to the needs of today. It will definitely help you discover how to go through the valleys and mountains of unfulfilled longings,’ ‘disappointments that could be victories,’ learning how to live in the in between from ‘a to b.’…Billie touches in many ways the ‘nerve’ of life…the way it is now.”
Millie Dienert
Renowned Bible teacher, Communicator
International Prayer Chairman, BGEA
“Billie Cash, with her distinctive writing style, touches the listener’s heart by giving new life to a tired faith. With artistry she distinguishes between a newborn faith and one that languishes on the vine. The reader understands the message, wanting, more than all opportunities this world offers, to respond by stepping out for Jesus Christ. Autumn Rain, with its soft peppering as on a tin roof, fans the spirit of the weary or uncommitted into a mighty flame.”
Judy Chatham
Writing lecturer, Indiana/Purdue University
“With pen in hand, Billie Cash illustrates the impact that Jesus Christ can have in a life. With the loveliness of misty autumn as her backdrop, she sets the scene as one harvesting an October garden, as step by step she describes the glory that can be ours through agreeing with God about the condition of our life without Him. This book is life-changing.”
Donna Wilkening
Stonecroft Ministries Regional Administrator