“You are beautiful, little girl of mine,” Wendy Duke whispered over her newborn daughter. It was a still moment amidst the turmoil of birth defects and a life-threatening illness.
Grace in the Middle is a memoir recounting one young couple’s struggle to hold on to an unraveling faith during the greatest crisis of their lives.
Heartbreaking, triumphant, and funny in just the right places, this inspiring story is an authentic reflection on battling and overcoming physical illness and disability, resisting the dark doubts that plague us in the midst of tragedy, and trusting the faithfulness of God through the deep twists and turns of life.
Grace in the Middle has just ranked as one of my all-time favorite books—EVER. You will laugh out loud and cry empathetic tears. But there’s a story within the story that every believer must tackle for the sake of their own faith; Surrender. “I want to know Him in the power of His resurrection, and in the fellowship of His sufferings” (Phil 3:10). The Holy Spirit will minister to you through Wendy’s “fellowship of His sufferings,” and if you’re willing . . . it will change your life!
—Rachel Lee Carter
Author of Fashioned by Faith (Thomas Nelson, 2011),
Founder of Modeling Christ Ministries
This book touched me deeply. I sat down one night thinking I would just read a few chapters, but I couldn’t put it down and finished in one sitting. Throughout the story I found God speaking to me in so many areas that challenged me to examine my relationship with my entire family and most importantly, with Him. The story is an honest look at heartbreak and joy at the same time. It’s okay to say “life is hard.” Sometimes life doesn’t make sense, but Wendy’s mad writing skills bring things into perspective. Sometimes men will see a book by a female author and think it’s a chick book. This book is for everyone!
—Darrell Cothran
Minister of Media, First Baptist North Spartanburg
How do we react when tragedy unexpectedly rears it ugly head into our lives? Who do we lean on? Who do we become? Wendy and Scott Duke saw their world collapse around them when they heard some frightening news regarding their unborn daughter, but, through it all, they never let go of God, and, most importantly, God never let go of them. This is a must-read book for all of us who have hit tough times in our lives. Wendy shows us in Grace In The Middle, that even when there is tragedy, there is also faith, hope, and above all else, love.
—Brett Parks
Author of Miracle Man: A Bullet That Ignited a Purpose-Filled Life, Founder and President of Second Shot Ministry
Honest, raw, and deeply compelling, Grace in the Middle is a book for anyone who’s ever felt powerless, who’s wondered, Where is God in all of this? Wendy Duke lays bare the road from heartbreak to hope, from spiritual numbness to powerful faith. In Savannah’s strength, determination, and resilience, readers will find their own.
—Lisa Wingate
National Bestselling Author of The Prayer Box and The Sea Keeper’s Daughters
What a terrific reminder of God’s grace and love and provision and steadfastness and . . . well, everything HE says in HIS word. Get this book by Wendy Duke, in fact, get it and get another to give to a friend!
—Mickey Henderson
Pastor of Spiritual Development,
Sunnyvale First Baptist Church, Sunnyvale, TX
Grace in the Middle is a MUST-READ for all moms! Wendy Duke beautifully describes the hope that can be found in Jesus regardless of our personal circumstances. Every mom will be blessed to experience this journey filled with struggles leading to the profound mercy of God’s sovereignty that is available to each one of us. Wendy is a skilled writer who uses her stones of remembrance of God’s faithfulness to issue a tender call for full surrender to God.
—Chimene Shipley Dupler
President/CEO of Passion4Moms