Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loveth at all times, but a brother is born for adversity.” It would be wonderful if every family would model the principle teaching of that verse. The application is simple: A genuine friend will always show compassion, but a “brother,” one who is also born into the family, will naturally take up the cause of his sibling, fighting on his behalf against an adversary. Unfortunately for Joseph, that did not happen. Instead, Joseph was hated by his brothers. What began for Joseph’s brothers as hatred soon progressed to an intent to murder. Although Joseph survived their plan for his demise, their actions set in motion a period of 20 years of adversity. Instead of providing support, as the proverb says, they initiated his mistreatment.
Joseph: The Godly Perspective of a Mistreated Man examines the brutal circumstances that Joseph encountered while pursuing righteousness, both in his attitude and behavior. Somehow, Joseph found the inner strength to endure each challenge with extraordinary grace. What was his secret, and how did he eventually reach the conclusion that “God meant it for good?”
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