Led by the Light by Joel R. Korver, Sr.

Led by the Light

by Joel R. Korver Sr.

Genres: Biography

ISBN: 9781620206188

160 pages

Price: $14.99

Joel R. Korver, Sr., had an uncanny ability to see the big picture. In addition, God had gifted Joel with alertness, power of observation, ingenuity, and resourcefulness to discover and diagnose problems quickly. By prayerfully seeking God’s help and making himself a channel who God could work through, Joel was able to use things God had created or provided to make things better for man, like the hydro-electric system from the waterfall which produced electricity for the Bible Camp. Miracles happened and problems were solved. Led by the Light is Joel’s account of his journey through twenty years of problem discovery and seeing God’s miraculous solutions.
Joel’s life verse was 2 Peter 1:3 which says, “According to his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”


Joel grew up mostly in PA; Alice, in CO. They met while Joel was working in Durango, CO, and Alice was attending Ft. Lewis College. They were married in 1967. For most of their married life, Joel was self-employed (having started and developed 7 different businesses—among them The Idea Company (general construction) of Greenville, SC, and Irrigation Systems Company of Colorado, both which Joel sold. Both businesses continue to be successful to this day.) The Korvers resided together in Greenville, SC, until Joe’s death in 2014, but Alice remains in the family home. The Korver family has 6 living children, 23 grandchildren, and 16 great grandchildren.