Love Into Light by Peter Hubbard

Love Into Light: The Gospel, the Homosexual and the Church {audio}

by Peter Hubbard

Genres: Christian Living, Cooking & Lifestyle, Inspirational

Price: $14.95

Homosexuality is one of the most controversial moral issues of our day. Headlines teem with stories of athletes’“coming out,” politicians changing positions and courts handing down same-sex marriage rulings. Sadly the church has often been afraid to talk about homosexuality. Many Christians feel confused and divided between the call to love and the call for truth. And many who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction feel alone and alienated by the church. The time is ripe for God’s people to think and speak about same-sex attraction in a way that is both biblical and beneficial. We must reject our fears and misunderstandings and see ourselves together in need of the grace of Jesus.  Love Into Light is designed to move the church toward that end. Written from the heart of a pastor with a love for people and a sensitivity to our culture, Love Into Light is your next step toward becoming more faithfully and helpfully engaged with people in your families, in your church and in your neighborhood.


Peter Hubbard is Teaching Pastor at North Hills Community Church in Taylors, SC, where he has communicated the truth of the scriptures since the church began in 1992. Peter appreciates the never- ending opportunities to engage with hurting people and to apply the hope of the gospel to the messy places of our lives. He has earned two masters degrees. He has also completed a doctor of ministry degree in pastoral counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Peter and his wife Karen have been married for twenty-five years and have four children.