Homosexuality is one of the most controversial moral issues of our day. Headlines teem with stories of athletes “coming out,” politicians changing positions, and courts handing down same-sex marriage rulings.
Sadly the church has often been afraid to talk about homosexuality. Many Christians feel confused and divided between the call to love and the call for truth. And many who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction feel alone and alienated by the church.
The time is ripe for God’s people to think and speak about same-sex attraction in a way that is both biblical and beneficial. We must reject our fears and misunderstandings and see ourselves together in need of the grace of Jesus. Love Into Light is designed to move the church toward that end.
Written from the heart of a pastor with a love for people and a sensitivity to our culture, Love Into Light is your next step toward becoming more faithfully and helpfully engaged with people in your families, in your church, and in your neighborhood.
This comes at just the right time. . . . Those who live under Scripture are increasingly eager to put on humility, speak with and learn from those who experience same-sex attraction, and consider what all this means for life in Christ’s Kingdom.
—Dr. Ed Welch, counselor and faculty member at CCEF
We live in a day where we face challenges that require God’s wisdom. These challenges are designed by God to cause us to look to Him as to how He might use them to revive His church and equip it to be humble enough to love a broken world. This book reflects the wisdom from above which is described as both gentle and full of mercy as well as pure, unwavering , and without hypocrisy (James 3:17). It is a labor of love and contains vital truths that all of us need to hear and heed.
—Dr. Bill Thrasher, Moody Theological Seminary and Moody Bible Institute, Author and Professor
Love into Light is a big welcome mat at the church’s front door for people who struggle with same-sex attraction and for those who wish to love them in Christ’s name.
—Dr. Mark S. Gignilliat, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
Peter Hubbard is a gifted teacher, and he wisely navigates what are uncharted waters for many Christians: How should churches relate to others with same-sex attractions?
—Dr. Andy Naselli, Bethlehem College and Seminary
Love into Light. . . . invites us to see our own hearts honestly and to reach out to people many churches would turn away . . .
—Laura Baker, President of Prasso Ministries
Powerfully insightful book. . . . I am not aware of a more valuable “first resource” to help shape our thinking on this very contemporary issue.
—Dr. Fred G. Zaspel, Calvary Baptist Seminary