Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprint by Sandra Kay Chambers

Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprint

by Sandra Kay Chambers

Genres: Children & Young Adult, Illustrated, Illustrated Books

ISBN: 9781649607072

48 pages

Price: $19.99

Maisie feels self-conscious. She’s short, pudgy, and boring. Hoping to find something unique about herself, Maisie goes to visit her friends at the zoo to see what makes them so special. Surely, her fingerprints are unique like people’s. But Maisie is a puppy and doesn’t have fingerprints. What makes Maisie special? Find out in Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprints.


With a personal goal to “Pray Often! Inspire Others! Create Beauty!” Sandra pens articles, blogs, and books to encourage Christians in their personal walk with God. She has a passion to help kids understand how uniquely created and loved by God they are, and to help them discover their God-given purpose in life. Sandra is also a prayer warrior, prayer encourager, and the author of an award-winning small group/personal study on prayer: “Lord, It’s Boring in My Prayer Closet: How to Revitalize Your Prayer Life.”

Sandra has been a teacher and writer for most of her professional life. She taught English, journalism, and special education in both public and private schools. As a journalist and writer, Sandra has published hundreds of news, profiles, travel, and lifestyle stories for various publications. She also writes nonfiction and children’s picture books.

Sandra lives in coastal North Carolina and enjoys spending time with her husband, their daughter, son-in-law, and their French bulldog puppy. A photography buff, she has been known to wander off and get lost while taking photos. When not writing, Sandra enjoys traveling, walking on ocean piers and the beach, eating local seafood, and curling up with a good mystery or historical fiction book.