Nullifying God: Evolution’s End Game, A Scientist’s Challenge

by H. Robert Wilson

Genres: Christian Living

ISBN: 9781620202128

192 pages

Price: $15.99

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Nullifying God: Evolution's End Game, A Scientist's Challenge

Evolution and Creation are in a spiritual battle. Evolution scientists ignore, dismiss, and unequivocally reject Creation out of hand—“It is not science or fact as evolution is,” they say. However, Nullifying God shows that random Darwinian evolution does not have the direct evidence required to support the claim. Not only that, but it provides contrary evidence that evolution is biologically impossible. Because that is the case, evolution can only persist in the unchallengeable authority it needs to maintain its position by actively attempting to nullify its alternative—Creation, and therefore, the Bible and God.

Nullifying God was especially written to empower and benefit believers who are not familiar with science to show them that evolution cannot be fact and is not science. It does so by: 1) providing them with a core foundation of applied science principles to rationally question evolution’s claims, then 2) guiding them into solid, clear knowledge of why evolution is biologically impossible, and finally 3) presenting them with examples that document evolution’s attempts to nullify God. The bottom line is—Biblical Creation is the only answer that explains life.


As a publisher, I have seen many books on the subject of Creation versus Evolution and over the years have published a few. While unusual for a publisher to write an endorsement, I believe Nullifying God is distinctive, authoritative, and accessible, and that Dr. Wilson gets to the heart of the matter: to dismiss Creation is to dismiss God. Nullifying God will be a valued resource to your library.
Dr. Samuel Lowry, Publisher
President and CEO, Ambassador International

Knowing him as a biologist, there is no doubt in my mind that Dr. Wilson knows what he is talking about. More importantly than that, however, is his unique ability to lead the reader with clarity and winsomeness into big concepts like “abiogenesis” and “homeostasis,” all the while showing how a random universe is simply an impossibility. Through it all, he shows his clear love for both God and people. Dr. Wilson wakes the reader up to the beauty, intricacy, and interconnectedness of all life and Creation, and helps us stand with him in awe of the Creator.
Brian Recker
Pastor, One Harbor Church in Beaufort, NC

I have read several books on evolution, but all were written from the reference point of Geology, Theology, and Thermodynamics. Dr. Wilson’s Nullifying God is entirely different, because it focuses on Biology and the hard science required for life. Additionally, it provides and explains for the reader the evolutionist’s main arguments and standings for their secular beliefs. I found the facts on Professor Armitage and the Triceratops (Chapter 9, “Nullifying God”) were especially reinforcing due to his expert discussion and analysis of cell life, which was new information to me, and earth radioisotopes not being a reliable indicator of earth’s true age, which reinforced information I knew about.
Michael F. Dolan
Lieutenant Colonel, USMC (Retired)

Author Dr. Wilson is equal parts scientist and Christian, which is what sets Nullifying God apart from other books on the subject of evolution. He explains science to the Christian and Christianity to the scientist in making his argument that Darwin’s random acts of nature cannot account for Creation.
Dr. Wilson shows that the science supporting evolution, at its core, holds biological impossibilities. Specifically, it does not and cannot answer the question, “How did we all get here?” He will tell you that he believes God is the only answer to that question. What’s more is that he can tell you how he knows it to be true.
Jane Shealy, Editor

Darwinian evolution was founded on the twin pillars of “chance” (i.e., random mutations) and “time” (i.e., billions of years). In Nullifying God, Dr. Wilson methodically undermines those foundations with compelling evidence of intelligent design (the fine-tuning of life) and the implications of preserved protein in ancient fossils. A fascinating and enlightening read for layman and academician alike.
Robert Kornegay
Director, Ratio Christi at East Carolina

In Nullifying God, career scientist Dr. Wilson calmly points out that evolution’s acceptance of evolutionary theory is based entirely on an incomplete and inadequate examination of observed evidence according to the standards of science. This lack is not only difficult for me to understand, but it directly violates the level of integrity I gained as one who entered the military service straight from high school and who retired from it at the highest Pentagon levels.
My life experiences throughout my 33 years of service were completely consistent in one respect—our Allies, other U.S. Services, Congress and our contractors always demanded precision from us with documented facts, exacting details, and proven data. It has always astounded me that those who stand on the sands of evolution will question my Christian faith by demanding rigorous, documented facts about it, yet they themselves do not provide this same stringent level of evidence for defending their position. In challenging evolution through Nullifying God, Dr. Wilson does exactly that by providing compelling, cogent and calm arguments for all to seriously reflect on our own beginning.
Captain David W. Tomlinson, US Navy (Retired)

As a Christian for many years, I slowly became convinced that evolution could not explain the true origin of the species—only Creation as depicted in the Bible could do that. I was not a scientist though, and when confronted with science-trained individuals who are Christians, but also believed in evolution as settled science, I had no argument for them other than the fact that I just felt it was wrong.
Dr. Wilson’s reasoned and detailed approach to highlighting the false truths of evolution in Nullifying God provide the lay person with the facts they need to be able to discuss the subject with science-trained individuals and refute their superiority of evolutionary knowledge.
May God use this book to spread His truth.
Richard Truax, MBA
MAJ (retired) US Army, Retired Medical Practice Administrator

Chapter Sneak Peek


Dr. Wilson is a retired research biologist and holds a PhD in Zoology with training in anatomy, physiology, and pathology. He spent much of his 33-year career in the pharmaceutical industry evaluating new drugs for certain infectious diseases and cancer. Bob has been married since 1964 to his beautiful wife, Lynn, and the couple has two children and four grandchildren. He has been a Christian for more than 40 years and has served as a Bible study leader as well as a group leader in a Teen Community Bible Study. Bob and Lynn live in Beaufort, NC.