Our life is a ship. The helm steers the ship. “Wise counsels” in Proverbs 1:5 comes from a word that speaks of the rope that guides the ship. Our Captain, the Lord Jesus Christ, will enable us to guide our ship right as we stay in His Logbook, the Bible. In Our Lifeship, several examples of Biblical characters and modern-day women are used. This book contains quotations from Proverbs and other Bible books. In the section, “Challenges Today’s Women Face,” the author interviewed several women over the phone to obtain ideas. This section brings it down to where we live. She closes each chapter with a challenge, “Give the Helm to Jesus.”
Our Lifeship: A Study in Proverbs for Women
Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals
ISBN: 9781932307924
136 pages
Price: $10.99