Out of the Deep: Devastated by Drugs, Delivered by God, Updated Edition by Noel Davidson

Out of the Deep: Devastated by Drugs, Delivered by God, Updated Edition

by Noel Davidson

Genres: Christian Living, Inspirational

ISBN: 9781620201237

264 pages

Price: $13.99

They looked like the typical, happy family. David and Helen Runcie had brought their three sons up to fear the Lord and honour His Name. When they sang together as a quintet audiences were moved to tears. In their teenage years the boys became heroin addicts. It was then that the whole atmosphere in the home changed. Tensions rose, money disappeared, and the telltale signs of drug addiction began to appear around the house.
Every day seemed to present the perplexed Christian parents with some new dilemma. Why was this all happening in their family? they found themselves asking. Could God not deliver them from their addiction? Yes. He could. And He did, intervening in each life in a different way, but with the same result.
It is an inspirational story of deliverance, and of hope. This updated edition brings us the latest on the family that had been rescued from the depths of despair and records how God blessed the original book in many lives.
The three boys are all now in steady employment, married men with families. This means David and Helen have entered a new phase in life. Grandparents!


Dr. Noel Davidson is a retired headmaster who has written 29 books, mainly Christian biographies, over the past two decades. OUT OF THE DEEP is one of a number of best-selling books by this Northern Ireland author to be republished by popular demand.