Have you ever wondered why we are overcome instead of overcoming? Why does every circumstance in life seem to swallow us up rather than us conquering it? We were created to conquer not to be conquered. We were purposed to overcome not to be overcome. On most days, however, if we’re honest with ourselves, we don’t feel like this is true; we feel defeated, we feel destroyed. In Overcome: How to Rise above When Everyone Else is Sinking, you will be challenged and encouraged to know we can overcome because Jesus overcame. Through the biblical account of Peter walking on water, we discover how to rise above our situations, circumstances, and problems. So, get ready to elevate your life to new heights. Brace yourself for the experience of a lifetime. Once you soar into a life of overcoming, there is no sinking back into a life of overwhelming.
Overcome: How to Rise above When Everyone Else is Sinking
Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Inspirational
ISBN: 9781620202203
80 pages
Price: $9.99