Endorsements for PrayerSurge:
After having radiation therapy for an inoperable brain tumor in 2000, my 24/7 headache is gone . . . but Jesus is with me. I’ve always felt there was a reason for what has happened to me . . . I firmly believe I have been brought this far – to read your book and be challenged by it. I could not put it down. At first I was convicted . . . my prayer life had become stagnated . . . then I was encouraged. There is something I can do for others. I can pray. May the Lord bless and shine his light upon you always.
Penny Aplin
Fellow pilgrim on faith’s journey
Bournemouth, England
Billie always writes from her soul but PRAYERSURGE is the very beating of her heart and her life walk with Jesus in prayer.
Nina Ruth Bruno
Young Business professional, sister in Christ
San Diego, California
Your writing style is so appealing to me and is giving me a boldness about the Lord . . . what He means to me . . . . You clearly made me see that we are called to pray with a discipline and a diligence. I am also learning that God is calling each of us . . . He is calling me to a new level of intimacy with Him. Thank you, Billie.
Bonnie Campbell
Navy wife extraordinaire, quilter, encourager, twenty year breast cancer survivor,
co-founder of Y-ME, National Capitol Area Breast Cancer Organization.
Springfield, Virginia
The overall view of your book is spiritual, calming, reassuring. . . . It’s a prayer life builder – it helps to reset a more solid foundation, reassuring us of God’s unconditional love . . . I pray that this book PRAYERSURGE be published in the millions, to be given or purchased by people all over the world so others may see the impact God’s Love can have if they will give themselves to Him in faith and prayer. These words can stir the soul . . . change a nation. May each person who reads this book, in years to come, be blessed by the author and may she continue to be inspired to share the Holy Word of God.
Pat Russell
Intercessory Prayer Organizer for Director of Midwest Frontier Fellowship
Devoted volunteer at Midwest Palliative and Hospice Care center
Wilmette, Illinois
PRAYERSURGE is more than a surge; it’s a TSUNAMI! The ministry of “one another” which Paul wrote about so often is “praying for one another.” It percolates through every page. How lavishly God blesses the reader with His words through you, Billie. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul!
Wayne Berg Bradley
Bible teacher, mentor
Minneapolis, Minnesota
I have just finished PRAYERSURGE and all I want to do is pray . . . . writing prayers from God’s Word . . . is a powerful way to pray . . . your book has stimulated me to “DO IT.”
Jill White
Encourager, homemaker, Lover of God’s Word
Dorset, England
Billie so effectively communicated her passion for relationship with the Father through prayer that she ignited a spark in me as I read PRAYERSURGE. Read this book . . . begin an “electrically charged” relationship with the God of the universe through prayer. She helps you along with SURGING THOUGHTS and PRAYER FLOW at the end of each chapter. I really gained a new love for relational prayer.
Rachel Crabb
Speaker, golfer, author, The Personal Touch, Navpress
Prayer Consultant and National Director of Stonecroft Ministries
Wife of psychologist, author Dr. Larry Crabb
Denver, Colorado
I did not want the book to end. It is a mentor-piece for me. Billie has been obedient to God’s Call to write what He has placed on her heart and is exemplifying in her life. A dear friend and mentor, she has encouraged me to surge in prayer. Prayer is a lifeline from God to help us endure the highs, middles and lows of life. Praise God for prayer. Experience . . . PRAYERSURGE in your life with God.
Stephanie R. Carbaugh
Wife, mother of Mia, professional organizer,
former lumber industry manager, daughter in faith
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
I have had the great privilege to worship, pray and fellowship with Billie and Roy regularly. When they pray, God’s presence is in the room . . . by e-mail or in person. I am lifted to God . . . In my journey of almost 65 years on planet earth, I have met one person I felt qualified to write a book on prayer and that person is my sister in Christ, Billie Cash. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to grow with God.
Jules Dilday
Retired businessman, cowboy poet, beloved friend
Memphis, Tennessee
God expresses Himself through us. He calls us to pray for others. PRAYERSURGE will make you want to learn more about God’s Holy Word and to pray, pray, pray. Thank God someone prayed for me. As I mature in my faith, I want to have a heart like Billie, caring, sharing, praying, loving and listening. You will not want to miss the blessing you will receive from this book.
Wendy Cogdill
Business owner, sister in Christ making a difference
Summerton, South Carolina
Looking out the window of my Vicksburg, Mississippi home, I watched the winds and rain of Hurricane Katrina’s outer bands bend and break trees, wash holes and gullies in the back slope of my yard finally extinguishing electricity. I sought to get my mind off the storm by praying and reading Billie’s latest book, PRAYERSURGE. As I read my emotions were calmed, my mind reassured, and my spirit lifted by the message and challenge of the book. Billie so many times “heard the call’ to pray for me and my family – through my grand daughter Anna’s rare genetic disorder. Billie’s prayers were there – encouraging us, undergirding, interceding, reminding us of God’s promises and they were answered with a successful liver transplant this year. She prayed me through the sudden death of my husband Dan, through my daughter’s difficult and dangerous pregnancy and the birth of a premature son who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, through hip surgery. Billie writes as she lives – in bursts of glorious energy. With her concise, almost poetic, style, she pulls us into this beautiful description of the work of prayer in a Christian’s life. Her heart for God is revealed. Be careful as you read – this is a short book but the message is large – hear the call! Rise up in prayer! Love God! Love others! Be transformed! It is rich in real illustrations of prayer and in the real life direction of becoming a person of prayer . . . simple examples, simple sentences, simple lessons gleaned from God’s Word validated in a lifetime of applying those lessons, woven together for our use as we learn to live . . . Billie lives a life of prayer, an overcoming life.
Phyllis Renfroe
Retired educator, compassionate grandmother, treasured friend
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Wow! In the midst of our own difficult transition into life in east Africa, God has spoken to us through Billie Cash’s PRAYERSURGE. We have been reminded of truths we once knew and challenged to grasp truths we had not yet embraced. The Spirit of God Himself has surged within us both to pray and believe. To pray for God’s promises to be accomplished in us, in others, and in this world, to believe that He will complete the good work He has begun.
Alan and Pam May
Missionaries ministering to orphans (13 at present)
Raising up a generation of godly children who will change the direction of the AIDS-ridden, impoverished nation of Africa.
Eldoret, Kenya
Inspiring . . . practical. PRAYERSURGE ushers me into the holy place. Prayer needs to become more than it is in my life. God has pulled back the veil for me. This book has made me search deep within myself . . . Billie pursues the prayer life that Jesus had while on earth. It was His lifeline. It is hers. May it become mine.
Hope Roberts
Wife, mother of Faith and Grace, lover of the Word, daughter in faith.
Durham, North Carolina
Billie Cash’s book, PRAYERSURGE, reminds readers of the importance, the power and the purpose of lifting our hearts to God in prayer. Drawing on the analogy of ocean waves surging onto the shore, Cash encourages readers in her story-like writing style to let our requests swell to God Almighty, the One who created us and loves us.
Christy Barritt
Co-author of Changed: True Stories of Finding God in Christian Music
Chesapeake, Virginia
This book is challenging me to pray more, and also to look at prayer as an outflow of my heart’s love for Jesus.
Mary Garborg
Avid reader
Prior Lake, Minnesota
Billie Cash’s unique writing style breathes life into the key principles of prayer, which need to be learned by those who desire to pray with power. She unfolds her own journey to “powersurge” prayer, but also clearly and simply sets the pattern for readers who want to grow in skill using this powerful spiritual weapon. Billie tells of real prayer experiences revealing the struggle we encounter when we pray fervent, persistent prayers resulting in God’s amazing answers. The powerful chapter on brokenness should be read by every Christian for she emphasizes that real prayer must be motivated by love. When it is, we experience the Glory of God. The impact of a loving “prayersurge” group who comes together in belief and prays can affect the destiny of nations. All who read PRAYERSURGE will be challenged to give their lives to the magnificent ministry of prayer.
Lucille Sollenberger
Distinguished educator, BA, University of Nebraska,
MA University of Omaha, Doctoral studies at Stanford University
Miss Sollenberger possessed a wonderful ability to explain “deep, complex, spiritual concepts in a way that every one could grasp.”
Author of twenty two Bible studies for Stonecroft Ministries known as “Friendship Bible Coffees” she also served as National Representative and Devotional Editor for Progress magazine. Retiring in 1999, her work in the Word of God continues.
Billie takes us right to His throne of Grace with this book. . . .
Ursula Bruno
Bible teacher, friend, prayer warrior
Poway, California