Romance and Redemption

by Timothy Cross

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Christian Living

ISBN: 9781620209035

64 pages

Price: $12.99

The book of Ruth is a moving story of romance and redemption. It begins tragically yet ends wonderfully.

Why? Because the God of the Bible ‘is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think’ (Ephesians 3:20b).

In the book of Ruth we glimpse the wonderful providence of God at work. The book proves the truth of Romans 8:28 that ‘in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.’

The book of Ruth is a story of romance—a romance between Ruth and Boaz—and also a story of redemption. Ruth, a nobody, became a somebody, eventually marrying into the Messianic line.

How? By the amazing grace of God. And it is the same today!

By nature we are sinners – helpless and hopeless. But by the grace of God in Christ, our sins are forgiven, and we become the adopted children of God and heirs of eternal blessedness – heirs of the very kingdom of heaven. These and others are some of the encouraging lessons we glean in the book of Ruth.

Come then and be blessed by this lovely portion of the Word of God and enjoy the book of Ruth!


Timothy Cross is the author of over thirty Christian books. He studied at the University of Wales at both graduate and postgraduate levels, and is a gospel preacher and Bible teacher of many years’ standing. His life passions include biblical languages, distance running, indoor and outdoor swimming, the British seaside, and cats! Timothy has been awarded two honorary Doctorates of Sacred Literature in recognition for his written ministry.