Soldiers, Temples, and Crystals | The Newton Chronicles, Book 1

by Terry Overton

Genres: Children & Young Adult, Fiction

ISBN: 9781649600615

188 pages

Price: $13.99

Luke Alexander’s father is “missing, presumed dead.” But Luke is confident that his father has set off on an adventure and needs his help. Searching through his father’s office, Luke—along with his friends Nathan, a pastor’s kid, and Lydia, a world traveler who knows several languages—discovers some confusing notes about Isaac Newton and finds a strange watch that once belonged to his grandfather. Knowing his archaeologist father was on the hunt for Solomon’s temple, Luke and his friends decide to start a search of their own. Little do they know that their search will take them on the wildest adventures of their lives and make the stories of Solomon’s temple and other biblical events seem more real than they ever thought possible. But will their adventures lead them to Luke’s father, or will they only wind up with more questions than answers?

Soldiers, Temples, and Crystals is an excellent book for anyone who loves a good adventure and who wants to find the truth that is found only in God’s Word. This first book in The Newton Chronicles will make history and the Bible come alive for readers both young and old.

Crusades, Giants, and Chalices by Terry Overton

Book 2

Book 3


Terry Overton obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology and her Ed.D. in special education. She taught in public schools and was a school psychologist and a professor before retiring in 2016. Her university experiences included teaching at Longwood University in Virginia, the University of Texas-Brownsville, The University of Texas-Pan American, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and Stephen F. Austin State University. She held positions as Dean and Department Chair during her tenure in higher education. Her areas of research included behavior disorders, learning disorders, autism, and research in higher education. She currently resides in Laguna Vista, Texas. She enjoys biblical history and general Bible studies, writing, blogging, and playing golf.