Songs from a Quiet Heart

Songs from a Quiet Heart

by Gloria Kearney

Genres: Christian Living, Inspirational

ISBN: 9781620201459

128 pages

Price: $11.99

Do you long for a quiet heart? Do you wish you could spend more time just being quiet in God’s Presence? Do you ever wonder what He might say to you in those quiet moments? In Songs from a Quiet Heart, Gloria assures us that when we still our hearts before Him, God will speak words of encouragement and challenge. Some of her songs were born in quiet places but the inspiration for others came from the most unexpected places. As you read her responses, you will hear echoes of the Master’s voice, calling you into a deeper intimacy with Him.


Gloria Kearney is married to Robert. They live in Downpatrick and have four children and five granddaughters. Gloria is a retired teacher, a speaker at ladies’ meetings, is involved in prayer ministry and pastoral care in Ballynahinch Baptist Church and serves on the Council of Mission Africa.