Teacher, Mom by Latinya Wilson

Teacher, Mom

by Latinya Wilson

Genres: Children & Young Adult, Illustrated Books

ISBN: 9781620209295

28 pages

Price: $13.99

When our young child is faced with a challenge, our parental instinct yells at us to overcome it for them and as quickly as possible.

Teacher, Mom helps us to consider the source of our help and encourages us to reach and teach our children so that they can learn how to overcome for themselves.

Teacher, Mom utilizes foundational principles of the Scriptures to encourage children not to condemn themselves, to be encouraged, and to keep trying!

It offers realistic scenarios and actual victories that have been won.

This story addresses the highs and lows of the daily life of a young child in homeschool and it also expresses the success that will be had if they continue despite obstacles.

Teacher, Mom also mentions life lessons that can be a little more difficult to teach such as patience and self-control. This sweet story speaks to real situations and the power that God has to change them.


Latinya Wilson is a homeschooler who grew up in the small town of Goldston, North Carolina. She is currently employed as a Financial Services Officer with one of the largest Credit Unions in the state of North Carolina.
Latinya graduated from Winston-Salem State University with a degree in Healthcare Management.