“This book will have a significant impact on a lot of people.”
Dr. James L. Snyder
Author of the best-selling In Pursuit of God: The Life of A.W. Tozer
Throughout the Bible, there are many references to the Christian life being compared to a ship. Whether we are floating along on calm seas or drowning in the waves of life, we are all in need of a sure Anchor for our souls.
In The Anchored Life: Nautical Principles that Help Believers Grow, Marv Nelson and Tim Hibsman use nautical terms and analogies to show that the Bible is full of promises for the sea of life on which we are all sailing. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or a landlubber, the lessons learned in this book will enliven you and give you hope for those times that you need to batten down the hatches and hold on to the One Who calms the storms.
Advance Praise for The Anchored Life
“I have never spent much time on boats, but I have learned so much about boating and practical insights for Christian living from The Anchored Life. It is rich with sailing images interwoven with Scripture and life. For me, the book’s highlight was the image of the prophets being carried along by the wind of the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 2:21). The challenging question for me is, “How do we set sail and allow the Spirit to be our Propulsion?” I encourage you to be propelled by the Spirit as you read The Anchored Life.”
Paul L. King, Th.D., D.Min.
Author of Genuine Gold
“I know very little about navigation. I didn’t take it seriously when I first began reading this book, The Anchored Life: Nautical Principles that Help Believers Grow. I thought it was a kid-friendly satire of the truth. My views began to change as I read the book. I may not be nautically literate, but as I read the book, I began to see that it was more significant than I had first thought. I read this book enough to see how it could influence people. The last section of questions is the most important element of each chapter. This book would be suitable for individual Bible study, small-group Bible study, or even a church study for the local congregation. The questions at the end of each chapter are essential for the reader to reflect on what they have just read and how it relates to them personally as Christians. This book will have a significant impact on a lot of people.”
Dr. James L. Snyder
Author of the best-selling In Pursuit of God: The Life of A.W. Tozer
“This inspired me to sail through life with a new attitude, realizing life is all about how you navigate the ups and downs.”
Mat O’Neill
CEO, The Adventure Buddies
“There are few allegorical pictures that represent navigating the Christian life better than seafaring. Offering our lives as living sacrifices in practical service is an individual and community function that has many parallels in all that is required for men and women to maintain and run a taught ship. Therefore, I cannot recommend The Anchored Life enough for its comprehensive unpacking of nautical themes and terminology to help us better participate in our own spiritual formation in order to serve as Christ’s body.”
Rev. John Klobuchar
Custody Chaplain and Retired Coast Guard Master Chief, MDIV.
“This was an outstanding book that gave me flashbacks to when I was a Seaman on a U.S. Navy destroyer for over three years where we weathered two hurricanes and one typhoon. There were times when I didn’t think we would survive the storms. I can understand the great fear of the Apostles when the Sea of Galilee was tossing their small craft up, down, and sideways (Matt. 8: 23-27). I believe the Lord can still the waters in the storms of our lives today as He did then—we just need to ask Him.”
Dave Cavill
Seaman 1st Class, USNR 1967
“In a wonderfully creative way, Tim Hibsman and Marvin Nelson use nautical themes to illuminate God’s Word and navigate the reader on a course of Christian growth and healing. This refreshing book is practical, easy to read, and enjoyable. This will be a valuable resource for every church’s discipleship program.”
Ron Walborn
Dean of Alliance University and Alliance Theological Seminary
New York City
“The Anchored Life is a powerful analogy using an old sailing vessel to teach powerful truths of our personal walk with the Lord. The person who takes the time to prayerfully answer the questions found in the book will grow in their intimacy with Jesus Christ, and their experience of the freedom we have in Him will become a reality.”
Bradley R. Sickler
Captain, Chaplain Corps, United States Navy Reserve (Retired)
“What an inspirational book! Doesn’t matter the path you are on, God our Captain will always redirect us and give us a detour. Just watch your navigational Beacon!”
Trevi O’Neill
President of The Adventure Buddies