In the late 1600s, the Baptist Confession of Faith was first penned for the churches to have a document upon which they agreed for the principles of their faith. Over the centuries, this document has been revised and adapted as needed to help the reader understand its meaning.
In this current edition, Brandon James Crawford stays true to the Elizabethan English while adapting some of the wording for the modern-day reader in an attempt to help believers share it in their homes, schools, businesses, and churches.
To reinforce what is taught within, Crawford also includes the Baptist Catechism at the end in hopes of making the reader stand even firmer in their faith. Any believer would benefit from the words within to help them to understand their own beliefs and the foundation on which they stand.
“For years I have described myself as a confessionalist, in principle, in a theological community that by-and-large does not value shared confessions. I am encouraged that this project is addressing that deficiency and am hopeful that it will bring dispensational Baptists closer to the realization of confessional unity.”
Mark Snoeberger
Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics
Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, Allen Park, MI
“An unfortunate tendency of popular dispensationalism has been a disdain for church history and for creeds and confessions in particular. The unique authority of Scripture has been warped into a disregard for the work of ‘the shepherds and teachers,’ gifts to the church from our risen Lord. As dispensationalists, we have Scripture-driven commitments that distinguish us from our other Reformed brothers, and we should make those differences clear. But we still hold much in common with them and we should rejoice to affirm those shared doctrines. I am delighted to see the publication of this confession as a step to accomplish both of these worthy ambitions.”
Michael Riley
Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Wakefield, MI