The Glory of God’s Light: Connect with God Through His Light, Love, and Word

by Brother Raymond

Genres: Christian Living

ISBN: 9781620209110

104 pages

Price: $12.99

“Darkness represents anything that is inconsistent with God’s nature, character, and manifestation.”

It appears humanity has lost its connection with God, but finding a relationship with God can bring us into the light of His love. In The Glory of God’s Light, Brother Raymond shows how to have a relationship with God through His Light, His Love, and His Word.

Brother Raymond digs deeper into Scripture and takes examples from his own life to show how God’s light is present in every circumstance and points those in darkness into the glory of God’s light.

Could you relish a great relationship with God, our Heavenly Father? Yes, you can!


Brother Raymond has been involved in the work of ministry since the mid-1990s as a young servant of God. He serves as a leader in his local church. He is a key contributor to the men’s fellowship group, choir, outreach, translation, administration, and evangelism teams. He is a father, business professional, and he lives with his family in Canada.