Does motherhood matter?
Have we lost our sense of identity, especially through social media, which can pour both accolades and acid into our hearts and minds? Does our role as a mother have any lasting purpose? What about the hard stuff? Do we self-medicate more than we self-motivate to fight for our families? If we don’t have a sense of purpose, how will our children?
Chimene Shipley Dupler believes you are created for more. You are created in the image of God. You have value, significance, and purpose. You are chosen! In The High Calling of Motherhood, Chimene will challenge and inspire you. Motherhood can change the trajectory of a generation as we discover the authority that God has given mothers. Chimene desires to see mothers experience the joy that comes in the value and worth that God places on motherhood.
Motherhood is a calling—a high calling from God. Chimene will equip you and give you tools for success. You are a difference maker. You are raising world changers. You are a mom!
The High Calling of Motherhood is an important contribution to understanding the importance of a mother’s role in the life of the family. Everything I look for in a parenting book is here: specific, practical and doable tips and ideas, the importance of the heart, and above all the centrality of the gospel. Read it and get one for a friend!
—Tedd Tripp
Author Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Conference Speaker
Thank you Chimene, for reminding all moms of the privilege and high calling of being a mom. All moms have dreams for their children but this book reminds us of the enormous responsibility to love, instruct, and help each child be all God intends them to be. The High Calling of Motherhood is written in a way that will cheer moms on and encourage them in the day-to-day work of raising their children. It reminds us that the work is not wasted but is of great value. God isn’t asking moms to be perfect but to be moms who give all that they are to Him, including our daily successes and mistakes, so He can accomplish great things in our children’s lives.
This book is a great shot in the arm for all moms.
—Lon and Brenda Solomon
Senior Pastor, McLean Bible Church; Washington, DC
I have had the privilege of knowing Chimene Shipley Dupler for over 35 years. From a kid growing up in a Godly family, to raising a Godly family herself, Chimene lives out the message of what it takes to be a great mom and raise great kids. In The High Calling of Motherhood we find what every parent is looking for, real practical insight and help in how to do the thing we all care about the most—making our kids great. From my own experience, I can say that Chimene lives out what she preaches and teaches. I encourage you to not only read this book, but to believe it and do it yourself. In a world where we are all desperate for real role models, I want to commend to you Chimene Dupler and her new book The High Calling of Motherhood.
—Jimmy Seibert
Senior Pastor, Antioch Community Church; Waco, Texas
The High Calling of Motherhood is an exceptional book that reminds women how privileged they are to be given one of the most powerful and influential callings a woman can have: Motherhood. Early in the book, Chimene asks a great, relevant question, “Are you embracing motherhood?” Understanding the calling of motherhood means first understanding that you are chosen by God for this calling. As imperfect as we are, we are the perfect choice to be the parents of the children God gave us. This book esteems the role of Mother in our culture and encourages us to be bold in our position as we embrace the magnitude of being called to raise up a generation of world changers. Chimene’s timely and revelatory book beckons women to examine how they see their call to motherhood. Chimene’s book is full of truth and wisdom and we highly recommend every woman . . . married, single, young or old to read The High Calling of Motherhood.
-Todd & Blynda Lane
Lead Executive Senior Pastor, Gateway Church; Southlake, TX
Women’s Conference Speaker and Mother of 3 World Changers
Chimene captures the joys and challenges of being a mom as she amplifies the high calling of motherhood. She knows that mothers can experience fear and insecurity when they compare themselves to the expectations of others, which is why her heart’s desire is for every mom to find their identity in Christ alone. Mothers will enjoy Chimene’s candid remarks, real-life stories, and how every page is filled with hope and authentic “passion for moms” everywhere.
-Jay and Lydia Mathis
Pastor for Preaching & Vision, Grace Church; Waco, TX
It has been the greatest joy of my life to be called “Mom” for almost 19 years! The High Calling of Motherhood is an invaluable resource that reignited my passion for motherhood after a season of significant loss. It is easy to lose sight of the specific calling God has placed on our lives as Moms, and yet this book offers Godly advice to keep our mission and role in proper perspective. Through the wisdom and insights in this book, you will regain a passion for the greatest calling on your life: Motherhood!
—Stephanie Meeker