Every Sunday, in Bible-believing churches across the world, pews are filled with men and women who have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. However, millions of people walk away from the worship service confused as to why they are not experiencing the freedom that the Scriptures proclaim.
There is a direct correlation between the confusion and apathy within our churches and the pandemic of pornography in our pews. Unfortunately, the statistics are too big to quote and we don’t believe them when we do. How is it possible that so many Christians are addicted to pornography? Isn’t Jesus enough? Why are we still being tempted with lust? What’s wrong? What’s missing?
The Sex Spiral: Forgiven and Free From Pornography is a plan to experience not only the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, but also the freedom He promises—specifically from lust. The Sex Spiral will teach you God’s design for sexuality, the triggers that lead to porn addiction, and most importantly how to exit the Sex Spiral itself with a purity plan for your life.
The Sex Spiral offers a message of hope to those enslaved in internet pornography. In a day where we see so much sexual brokenness, this book outlines a healthy theology of sex. We are so thankful for Dustin’s story and the freedom that many will experience by reading this timely and informative book.
—Dr. Archibald Hart and Dr. Sylvia Hart Frejd
Authors of The Digital Invasion: How Technology is Shaping You and Your Relationships
If you want to understand the way sexual sin robs your soul of hope and joy, and the pathway to full life in Jesus Christ, then The Sex Spiral is the book for you. Dustin is candid, concise, and caring in his writing on such a difficult topic. There is hope for living a life of sexual integrity in the midst of a sexually confused culture, and this book will help you navigate this tricky terrain.
—Jonathan Daugherty
Founder & Director of Be Broken Ministries
Author of The Four Pillars of Purity, Grace-Based Recovery, and more
Fighting the lure of pornography is exhausting for so many. The Sex Spiral holds a new approach to experiencing both forgiveness and freedom in Christ and finally severing the addictive hold of sexual temptation. Bravo to Dustin Daniels for sharing these realistic triggers for every man to follow.
—Shaunti Feldhahn
Social Researcher
Best-selling author of For Women Only and Through a Man’s Eyes
We may know our position on pornography, but that hardly helps the person entangled in porn to free himself. What we need today are more tools—practical, clear, Biblically based—so the habitual porn user can learn what to do about the problem rather than hear yet another sermon on how serious the problem is. Dustin Daniels has contributed just such a tool. The Sex Spiral is both an eye opener and a challenge, and those in bondage to porn, as well as those who minister to them, will find answers and approaches here.
—Joe Dallas
Author of The Game Plan, The Complete Christian Guide To Understanding Homosexuality, and more
The Sex Spiral offers an effective balance of biblical truth and practical application of that truth to the real-life struggle of sexual sin. Dustin shares openly from his own journey toward freedom, serving as an encourager and trusted friend to you as you read. This is a compelling resource that I’m delighted to recommend to anyone battling sexual sin.
—Dr. Juli Slattery
Psychologist and President of Authentic Intimacy
Author of Sex and the Single Girl and Pulling Back the Shades