Waiting is the Night: Finding Hope When You’re Stuck on the Other Side of Dawn by Shannon Brink

Waiting is the Night: Finding Hope When You’re Stuck on the Other Side of Dawn

by Shannon Brink

Genres: Christian Living, Inspirational, Women's Interest

ISBN: 9781649603753

176 pages

Price: $16.99

We all go through seasons of waiting, times when God just seems to have closed His ears to us and turned His back. During those seasons, it’s easy for us to give up hope and lose heart. But what if we hold on to the hope that God is working behind the scenes, even if we can’t see Him? What can we learn from those times of waiting? Shannon Brink has experienced those seasons herself―after she hurt her knee and was forced to stay in bed for weeks on end, while she was facing possible infertility but longed to be a mother, as door after door closed on her dreams of living in a far-away land, and now as she waits for sleep to come while battling chronic insomnia. As a former nighttime nurse, Shannon knows that the hardest time of the waiting season is at night, when our thoughts take over and worry invades. Drawing from her own experiences and from the examples of God’s people in the Bible who also experienced seasons of waiting, Shannon encourages the reader to hold on to the One Who created us and has only our good in mind. While waiting in the dark, cling to the Light.


Shannon Brink has worked for over ten years in women’s ministry, has been a registered nurse for over fourteen years in emergency rooms and medical wards, is currently studying to become a nurse practitioner, and she is a mother of four. She has written for IAMNEXT internet magazine and for spaces such as Red Tent Living and A Life Overseas. She is a blogger at shannonbrink.org. Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Shannon is currently living in Malawi, East Africa, where she is a missionary with her husband. She works among refugees and HIV positive patients. Having borne witness to human suffering in her profession and experiencing it firsthand with her own chronic insomnia, Shannon seeks to give voice to the unspoken, helping readers process their painful experiences of long-suffering through storytelling. When not writing she homeschools her four children, hikes any mountains she can find, and enjoys deep conversations with close friends.