God is Sheer Beauty. God is Sheer Splendor.
Designed to inspire devotion, Wherein the Lilies Grow creatively reflects the everyday moments we encounter with God, and points the reader toward his provision, his personal nature, and his splendor. It is the applicable story of God’s love told through scripture, poetry, journal entries, and photography. Written from a personal perspective, the author candidly discusses her journey and often her struggle to understand the intersection of various circumstances and God’s faithfulness. In eased words, she captures the beauty of discovering insight into the heart of God as well as her own.
God, the Gardener, is extraordinary within the ordinary of life. Without fail, He both provides and abides in the garden, in the wilderness, and within every inch of life between the two. Let the message captured in this book lead your heart down the path lined with his splendor—the path where the lilies grow.