In the first book in her new children’s series, Fraidy Brady and the First Field Trip, fire and life safety instructor Maria Bostian addresses the fears that many young children might have on their first field trip.
“Most kittens were curious. Most kittens were downright nosey. Most kittens loved to go to new places and do new things. But not Brady! Everything new seemed to make him anxious. He was different. All the kittens knew him as Fraidy Brady,” writes Bostian, focusing on the feelings that many kids have when experiencing the unknown.
Through the eyes of a literal scaredy cat, Bostian walks kids through many possible scenarios that could happen on a field trip. Drawing from her own knowledge as a fire and life safety instructor, Bostian gives tips on how to handle strangers, what to do if you get lost, and how to identify safe adults. She even includes a quick guide at the back of the book to remind children of the “Stranger Safety Tips” she mentions throughout the book.
Parents and children will enjoy reading the light-hearted story together, but it’s also a great opportunity for parents to talk to their children about safety and what to do in scary situations.