Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From Ambassador!

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snowing_christmas_cardWhat a year 2012 has been! At Ambassador we’ve been reflecting on some of the amazing blessings we’ve experienced this year, both personally and professionally. As a company we have welcomed some new incredible team members and interns into the office. We completely redesigned our website, allowing us to better communicate with you. We added 160 new Facebook fans, 292 Twitter followers and launched a Pinterest account. We worked with dozens of new authors, publishing a wide range of Christian books for all ages. Our authors appeared on and in major magazines, TV broadcasts and radio programs. We revamped portions of our office space, held two on-sight book fairs and attended the South Carolina Book Festival. We hosted a booth at the International Christian Retail Show, attended several writers’ conferences and met some amazing people along the way.

And like many of you, 2012 hasn’t been all roses. We’ve had our share of trials as well, but we’ve been committed to Romans 12:12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Christmas is a wonderful time to reflect on the miracle of salvation and when it comes down to it, that’s really all that matters. As a company we’re doing our best to spread the joy of Christ throughout the world, whether it’s through the people we encounter or the books we publish. We’ll joyfully continue on that mission in 2013.

To our readers, authors, colleagues and friends– Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!