National Healthy Weight Week | Imagine Not as Much

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According to National Day Calendar, “National Healthy Weight Week kicks off annually during the third week in January. The observance aims to reinforce healthy eating as a way of life instead of dieting to lose weight. It also provides tools to help establish healthy relationships with food, a positive body image, and approaches to improving healthy habits.”

In their book, Imagine Not As Much, Nathan and Tammy Whisnant use the tools and techniques they have learned to lose weight to inspire others on their own weight-loss journeys.

Nathan and Tammy Whisnant, authors of Imagine Not as Much: 13 Weeks to Better Spiritual and Physical Health“We wrote this book out of a desire to help those who have lost hope in their weight-loss journey and/or for those who want to begin the journey,” write the Whisnants. “We hope that this book will help you to lose weight and grow in your relationship with the Lord.”

Using their own life experience to draw from, the Whisnants share their own personal stories of losing weight and growing closer to God while giving practical tips and weight-loss plans to help others who are struggling in the same way. From simple recipes and snack options to exercise plans, the Whisnants encourage others on their way to losing weight by also providing spiritual inspiration and daily devotionals.

Created for group or individual use, this book is more than just a typical weight-loss book. It’s a tool to strengthen body, mind, and spirit—losing pounds but gaining a closer relationship with the Lord.

About the Book

Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of losing weight? Have you wished that you could find a diet and exercise program that would work for you? Have you ever imagined not as much of yourself?Imagine Not as Much: 13 Weeks to Better Spiritual and Physical Health by Nathan and Tammy Whisnant

Nathan and Tammy Whisnant were once there themselves-overweight, exhausted, and unable to enjoy their grandchildren. But one day, the Holy Spirit convicted them of their need to be the best version of themselves, and together Nathan and Tammy have now lost nearly a hundred pounds. After working off the weight themselves, the Whisnants decided to share their secret to success with others, and Imagine Not as Much was born.

Imagine Not as Much focuses on four fitness aspects:

  • nutritional: learn how to set goals, set your calorie intake, identify what types of food to eat, along with when and how to eat them;
  • physical: learn the different types of activities and choose the ones best for you;
  • motivational: receive encouragement to set your mind to this lifestyle change and to conquer road blocks that you may face; and
  • spiritual: learn how to begin a relationship with Jesus and ways you can deepen that relationship.

Including daily devotions by Nathan and Tammy’s tidbits, Imagine Not As Much encourages a healthy mind, body, and soul.