Simeon Harrar
Simeon Harrar, Finding Tom
About the Book: Given an opportunity to escape Podunk Greenwood and his past, Tom Weston finds himself at the gates of the highly prestigious Locklear University. Tom struggles to survive in this strange new world ruled by the despicable Dean of students. Tom and wealthy roommate, Charles Montgomery, are fatefully paired to tackle the pressures of school, family, and their impending futures as they join a mysterious secret society together.
About the Author: Simeon Harrar is a full-time seminary student who grew up as a missionary kid in Senegal, Africa and Papua New Guinea. He is a graduate of Erskine College where he received a degree in philosophy and honed his writing skills. He currently lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his beautiful wife and plans to work as a bi-vocational church planter after finishing his Master’s degree.
Review: This was a wonderful story, delicately told, about a young man trying to find himself after the death of his mother at a boy’s most vulnerable age. Tom tries to make sense of a world where wealth buys undeserved privilege and poverty is a ‘condition’ that implies laziness and ignorance. God can seem aloof and uninterested in our small affairs to a young person who has to face tragedy too soon, but Simeon Harrar tells the tale of Tom with a sensitivity that seems beyond his years. I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful read! – Donna Trainum, Reviewer