Author Jenny Hershberger releases Single & Content to reach new generation of singles
For immediate release: Ever since she was a little girl, Jenny Hershberger wanted nothing more than to be a wife and mother, but as she entered her 30s she found herself without children or a husband. “It has been painfully difficult to watch the years of my life come and go with these longings not yet satisfied,” she writes. “But now God has drawn me away from that desperate valley of malcontent.” Now she’s hoping to encourage others facing a similar walk with her new book Single and Content: A Journey from Despair to Delight (Ambassador international; September 2012; $9.99, eBook).
Single and Content addresses all of the challenges of the single life– including abstinence. According to a recent study from The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 80 percent of single Christians say they’ve had sex. Jenny writes about her own struggles with “hormone-induced mania” and admits that sometimes it is really miserable to do what is right, but she knows God has perfect timing. “Single, divorced, married, or widowed, His plan for your life is for His glory,” explains Jenny. “God holds the key to your contentment and once I found that out I was able to fully embrace my singlehood.” Jenny hopes by sharing her story of restoration through her new book Single and Content, she’ll help others in similar circumstances.
Jenny Hershberger was born and raised in Troy Township located in northeastern Ohio. Since graduating from Marietta College she has worked as a freelance photographer and graphic designer. Jenny has traveled extensively throughout the US and to several foreign countries. Traveling, photography and journaling are solely symptoms of her passions.
To learn more about Jenny Hershberger and Single and Content, visit For interview requests please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].