Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Prospective Authors
Thank you for your interest in publishing with Ambassador International. The following details will help you organize your work for submission. Scroll down to submit your manuscript through our online form.
Ambassador International needs two items from you:
- Contact Information
- Query Letter
Contact Information
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number(s)
- Website/Social Media
Query Letter
The query letter is an introduction to your work and should discuss several specific features. Please be as detailed as possible.
A. Book Overview
- Summarize the content of your book, its theme, its purpose, and its development.
- Include an approximate word count or length of the book.
- Indicate whether the book will include drawings, photographs, summaries, bibliographies, appendices, etc.
B. Audience
- Who is your target audience for the book?
- What other books of a similar nature have been written for this audience?
C. Table of Contents
- The Table of Contents should be as detailed as possible.
D. Reviewers
- Indicate whether you have any reviewers of your work who are willing to provide an endorsement. (You do not have to have endorsements to submit a manuscript.)
E. Manuscript
- All final manuscript submissions must be formatted in Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt. font, 0.5 inch side margins, with a first line indent of 0.5 inches. Files should be .doc or .docx and have a header with title and name.
Publication History
Provide a comprehensive list of previous works you have published, either articles or books. (If you are a first time author, that should not intimidate you from submitting your manuscript.)
In the world of publishing it is vital that you have a platform. Please provide social media links, website, and blog links. If you have yet to develop out your platform, now is a great time to start and should your work be accepted for publication we will seek to help you develop this.
Publishing Standards for General Trade Books:
Ambassador International is a publisher that has a Christian worldview. We publish a range of titles and genres including children’s books, cookbooks, fashion, history, regional, and memoir. Recent published titles include The Shamrock and Peach by owner of the gourmet food company The Ulster Kitchen Judith McLoughlin; a fashion book, What is Beautiful by Tica Tallent; a regional-history book The Scots-Irish of the Carolinas by Billy Kennedy; He Knows Her Name by Kelly McCorkle Parkison, former Miss South Carolina {2002} and a contestant on the Amazing Race; and a memoir Love Him Anyway by Abby Banks. Ambassador International reserves the right to accept manuscripts based on their literary and marketable merits. The publisher looks for quality of writing that instructs, inspires, and/or entertains the reader. If your proposal appeals to and is suitable for Ambassador International, you will be invited to submit a complete manuscript.
Publishing Standards for Christian Trade Books:
Ambassador International Christian publishing is dedicated to producing theological, devotional, biographical, inspirational, fictional and children’s literature. Ambassador International will not accept works for publication that deny biblical inerrancy, the creation and fall of man, the Trinity, the deity and virgin birth of Christ, Christ’s substitutionary atonement, Christ’s bodily resurrection, justification of the sinner by faith alone, the personal return of Christ, and biblical miracles or that do not adhere to our mission statement found here.
Ambassador International will assess your work in terms of its adherence to the Bible, its marketability, and its literary merit.
Upon acceptance of your proposal, Ambassador International will discuss a royalty structure with you along with a completed manuscript submission date. A signed contract between Ambassador International and the author constitutes a binding agreement for publishing the work according to the contractual specifications.