Posts Tagged ‘5 Things’

Five Things about B.J. Bassett, author of historical fiction The Greatest Sacrifice

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “5 Things” series. B.J. Bassett is the author of historical fiction, The Greatest Sacrifice: An Adoption Novel, which is available from your favorite retailer! Check out B.J.’s five fast facts below…

B.J. Bassett encourages others as an author, teacher, and speaker. She teaches writing workshops, and she is a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries. She enjoys reading, jigsaw puzzles, and munching warm scones oozing with butter and jam while sipping Earl Grey tea.

Meet B.J. Bassett

I took my first steps in the sand on Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, California. Later, as a pre-teen, I bodysurfed in the blue Pacific Ocean for hours.

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a small neighborhood church. With a strong love for children, I became a Sunday school teacher as a teenager. And later, I was the youngest member of the Christian Day School Board.

I sat behind Johnny Cash in that same little church when he wasn’t on tour. At the time, he was married to his first wife. He’d slip into the church and sit alone.

I was on the Garden Grove Community Church staff as the Assistant Elementary Director of the Christian Education Department. Later it was renamed The Crystal Cathedral with Dr. Robert Schuller.

I’ve written hundreds of devotionals, including The King’s Daughters—A Women’s Devotional. I post them daily on my Facebook Page,

About The Greatest Sacrifice: An Adoption Novel

Stevie is a typical teenager of the sixties with two loving parents. But when her dad dies, she and her mom find themselves suddenly living a life they never expected. When Stevie decides to drown her sorrows at a beach party, she wakes up on the beach the next morning and soon discovers that she’s pregnant. With her mother unable to help her, Stevie is forced to make the greatest sacrifice in order to give her baby the life she can’t afford.The Greatest Sacrifice by BJ Bassett

Annie has it all—a loving husband, money, and a beautiful home. But all she has ever wanted is to be a mother—something that she just can’t seem to make happen. When Annie and Joe learn of a young mother interested in placing her baby for adoption, they jump at the chance to become parents. But is Annie ready to sacrifice everything in order to finally fulfill her dream of motherhood?

Two women find themselves on two separate journeys to make the greatest sacrifice for the child they love. But can love truly conquer all? Or will the greatest sacrifice be too much?

You can find B.J. on her website, Twitter, FacebookInstagram, Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub! Order B.J.’s newest novel, The Greatest Sacrifice, here!

Five Things: Ruth Ann Ellinger {Author Spotlight)

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “5 Things” series. Ruth Ann Ellinger is the author of the historical fiction novel, The Broken Spear: Reformation Rising, which was released on July 13th! Check out Ruth Ann’s five fast facts below…

1. Despite being legally blind, writing has been an integral part of my life.

2. My children live in the four corners of America: California, Idaho, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

3. My husband and I love restoring historic cottages.

4. I was raised on a farm in Ohio and the farm remains in the family. I can always go home.

5. I am a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and can even trace my ancestry to the 12th century!


You can find Ruth Ann on her website, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Amazon! Order Ruth Ann’s newest novel, The Broken Spear: Reformation Rising, here!

Meet Jennifer Bosma

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “5 Things” series. Jennifer Bosma is the author of the adorable children’s books I Know the Plans and The Baby Garden. Check out Jennifer’s five fast facts below…


  1. I applied to be a contestant for the TV show “Survivor.”
  2. I have walked with lions in Zimbabwe at a lion rehabilitation center.
  3. I swam in a shark cage while observing over twenty sharks swimming around the cage.Jennifer Bosma, I Know the Plans
  4. I have appeared in Andy Grammer’s “Honey I’m Good” Music Video.
  5. I have finished 3 marathons.

Jennifer Bosma has an enthusiasm for life, seeking joy in each day. Knowing the importance of spoken Scripture, she loves sharing God’s Word and His promises for abundant life with children and their parents. Jennifer taught elementary school for twenty-three years, touching the hearts of over five hundred students. Her first published children’s book, The Baby Garden, explains God’s plan for every child, planned or unplanned.

When Jennifer’s children were small, early on, she learned the importance of speaking Scripture to them. There were a few Scriptures that she spoke over them every day. Her goal behind I Know the Plans is to incorporate these powerful Scriptures from the point of view of Jesus as promises to each child. The rhyming text captures the attention of children as the Scripture is introduced. Her prayer is that both parents and children will make these Scriptures a part of their everyday lives as biblical promises for them.

I Know the Plans by Jennifer Bosma

I Know the Plans by Jennifer Bosma

Jennifer currently works in a discipleship ministry for ladies facing an unplanned pregnancy and has a very active blog to mentor young women. She and her husband of thirty-three years love spending time with their three grown daughters, a son-in-law, and two granddaughters. They enjoy traveling and being in the great outdoors, marveling at God’s beautiful creation.

You can find Jennifer on her website, Goodreads, and Bookbub! Learn more about Jennifer and her adorable children’s books here!

Five Things: Amy Grochowski {Author Spotlight}

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “5 Things” series. Amy Grochowski is the author of the Amish love story, Runaway Home, which was released on July 27th! Check out Amy’s five fast facts below…

1. I grew up in Melbourne, Australia, where my parents served as church planters.

2. I met my husband while on a travel nursing assignment to Pittsburgh, PA. I also went to Haiti twice on medical missions.

3. One of my favorite roles in the local church has been serving as the Women’s Discipleship Director.

4. I love history, especially anything to do with World War II. Both of my grandfathers served in the Pacific during the war.

5. I love to cook for family and friends. I’ve gathered an eclectic mix of styles from all the places I’ve lived and traveled.

You can find Amy on her website, Twitter, FacebookInstagram, Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub! Order Amy’s newest novel, Runaway Home, here!

Five Things: Rev. Cheryl Anne Kincaid {Author Spotlight}

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Reverend Cheryl Anne Kincaid is the author of the eye-opening novel, Karrie’s Thorn, which was released on July 13th! Check out Cheryl’s five fast facts below…

1. I am an ordained Presbyterian Minister, celebrating 16 years of pastoral service.

2. I am a survivor of childhood abuse.

3. I facilitated support groups for survivors of violence for seven years.

4. I have a paralyzed leg due to a car accident in 1993 and walk with a brace and a cane.

5. I am an avid theater fan and literature lover, especially works by Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare.


You can find Cheryl on her website, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon! Order Cheryl’s newest novel, Karrie’s Thorn, here!

Five Things: Dave Milbrandt {Author Spotlight}

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “5 Things” series. Dave Milbrandt is the author of the political fiction novel, Fool’s Luck, which was released on July 13th! Check out Dave’s five fast facts below…

1. I am a voracious consumer of British and Australian television.

2. I visited the Soviet Union in high school in the late 1980s.

3. I was an award-winning public affairs commentator in college.

4. I knew I was going to marry my wife after only three dates!

5. I am the guardian of my family’s homemade ice cream recipe that dates back to the 1800s.


You can find Dave on his website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub! Order Dave’s newest novel, Fool’s Luck, here!

Five Things: J.J. Fischer {Author Spotlight}

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “5 Things” series. J.J. Fischer is the author of the historical fantasy novel, The Secret of Fire, which was released on July 13th! Check out J.J.’s five fast facts below…

1. I am crazy about chickens. While I also adore cats, I will likely be the crazy chicken lady when I am older, complete with knitted sweaters and all.

2. My favorite movie is The Last of the Mohicans. To me, this movie has it all— adventure, sweet romance, action, Daniel Day-Lewis, an incredible musical score, a perfect villain, and a (mostly) happily ever after ending.

3. I have come very close to death 3 times: in a skiing accident, in a near head-on car collision, and on the operating table.

4. I am obsessed with Disney. My favorite are Tangled and, from the oldies: Aladdin and Mulan.

5. If I could have any 5 guests to a dinner party, I believe I’d pick Taika Waititi (as Korg), Kevin McCloud, Richard Armitage, C.S. Lewis (of course), and the personified Death narrator from The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

You can find J.J. on her website, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Amazon, and Goodreads! Order J.J. newest novel, The Secret of Fire, here!

Five Things: David Mathews {Author Spotlight}

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador International authors with our “5 Things” series. David Mathews is the author of the contemporary adult Christian novel, Fugitive of Faith, which was released on July 27th! Check out David’s five fast facts below…

1. I am a preacher’s kid. My first recollection of church was a spanking for misbehaving, administered by my father who stopped preaching long enough to take me to the basement for some “correction.”

2. I used to draw cartoons and sell them to several small newspapers around central Indiana.

3. I owned my own remodeling business for 25 years.

4. I love camping and bicycling.

5. I went skydiving with my wife on my 60th birthday!


You can find David on his website, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and Goodreads! Order David’s newest novel, Fugitive of Faith, here!

Five Things: Allen Steadham

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Author Allen Steadham is the author of Christian speculative fiction novels. Here are Allen’s five things:

My wife and I are interracial. Angel is African-American and I’m Caucasian. We have two adult sons and a younger daughter.

My wife and I have been in a Christian band called “First Light” since 1997. First Light plays both contemporary Christian and traditional Gospel styles, cover tunes as well as originals. We perform songs in other languages, including Spanish and Hebrew. Angel and I were asked to join the band by its leader, who is a guitarist, singer and songwriter for many of our original songs. First Light has been like a second family to us. We are also one of two interracial married couples in the band.Allen Steadham

From 1997 to 2015, I ran a not-for-profit organization called the International Size Acceptance Association (ISAA). I created ISAA with the help of some very dedicated people. The organization’s purpose was to educate the public about size/weight-related issues (self-esteem, positive body imagery, fitness at any size and how to make healthy food choices) and to alert the public about weight-based discrimination. ISAA even created a holiday called “International Size Acceptance Day” and had it proclaimed by the City of Atlanta, Georgia on April 25, 1998 and 1999 and in Austin, Texas in 2003. ISAA educated the public through its website, email lists, an e-zine and two different podcast shows between 2002 and 2010. And though ISAA was non-political and not overtly religious, I did run the organization as a Christian man. The Lord put that cause on my heart and helped me run the organization. With His help, ISAA reached people all over the globe and offered kindness and hope. I shut down ISAA in 2015 for two reasons: the internet had changed with the rise of various social media, so people became less inclined to rally to a cause; and my own health had begun to suffer (not weight-related), eventually requiring surgery. I am doing well now and continue a more subtle message of size acceptance even now in my books.Allen Steadham

I began writing and drawing my own comics by hand at age ten (in 1980). Specifically, I created a superhero team comic called “The AR-MEN.” I continued creating those stories for twenty years, even scanning those pages and putting them on the internet as early as 1994. Many characters and certain story elements from the AR-MEN comics were adapted into what became my debut novel “Mindfire” with Ambassador International. In 2003, my wife helped me co-write an original Christian webcomic called “Due East,” which we continued until 2009. “Due East” won two webcomic awards in 2008: Best Spiritual Comic and Most Profound Comic.

I am a Star Trek nerd. I grew up loving the stories and characters in the Original Series and watched all of the movies and series that followed. Between 2005 and 2016, I only read Star Trek novels. And in 2009, I had the opportunity to interview Leonard Nimoy for one of ISAA’s podcasts. I do not do cosplay.

Learn more about Allen Steadham and Jordan’s Arrow, book two of the Jordan of Algoran series, by visiting