Most authors know that a key component for reaching readers is selling their product on Amazon. But this can go well beyond simply having a product listed among the millions also offered from the gigantic retail outlet. Amazon offers a free marketing tool called Amazon Author Central. It’s a way for authors to market their books, reach readers and develop an online community. Here are fives tips for developing your Amazon Author Central page.
Write Your Biography
Your Amazon Author Central page includes a section for adding your biography. This is your chance to unveil yourself to potential readers and future fans. Be personable and honest. Feel free to add a little more length to this biography that perhaps wasn’t able to be included on your book cover.
Migrate Your Feeds
If you have a blog or a Twitter account you can have your Amazon Author Central page automatically update when you write a new post or send a new tweet. This is a great way to ensure that your Amazon Author Central page remains vibrant and fresh. There will be no question that you are regularly engaging readers and encouraging responses.
Create an Author Page URL
If you want to be able to share your Amazon Author Central page on your social media accounts you’ll want a simple and memorable URL. Amazon makes it easy to shorten and customize your URL. On the Author Central Profile tab, click add link next to “Author Page URL.” You’ll want to come up with something basic. Using your name is probably best. Once you find the perfect URL click save. Your Author Page URL will go live in approximately 30 minutes.
Add Photos and Video
Add color to your Amazon Author Central page by uploading exclusive photos or videos. Create a short video welcoming people to your Amazon home. Or simply upload your book trailer to give people a quick pitch for why they should buy your book.
Promote Events
Whether you’re hosting a book signing at a local store or have scheduled a Twitter chat to talk about your book, your Amazon Author Central page can be a good place to promote those upcoming events. Take just a few simple steps to update this information on your page.
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