Posts Tagged ‘Bill Renje’

99¢ SALE: One Day Only!

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Bill Renje’s teen years quickly turned from Boy Scouts and baseball games to snorting cocaine and smoking crack. When he was just 17-years-old a drug buy went bad when an undercover officer shot Renje point-blank in the neck, piercing his spinal cord and deflating his right lung. That bullet prompted Renje to write A Chosen Bullet: A Broken Man’s Triumph Through Faith and Sports, on sale for just 99¢ today AChosenBulletonly. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend, and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait- pick up this book now for your Kindle!

Also available during our 99¢ sale is Jim Halla’s book Endurance: What It Is and How It Looks in a Believer’s Life. There is no time that endurance is not needed. However, too often Endurancefor the believer endurance is simply coping, accepting, tolerating, and just getting by. What a misconception of Paul’s words in Romans 8:35-37. Believers are more than conquerors. After Thursday the price of this book will increase to $2.99 through the weekend and then it will return to regular price. Click here to buy now!

Author Bill Renje Featured In The Newspaper

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Bill Renje, author of A Chosen Bullet was featured in the famous Chicago sports column, In the Wake of the News. You can read the article here. Bill was also on Chicago Tribune Live. You can watch his interview here.