Posts Tagged ‘Chesed’s Order’

All Christmas Children’s Books $1.99

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Merry Christmas from Ambassador International! Keep Christ as the center of your Christmas and ensure that your little ones understand the ultimate gift that was born on Christmas Day! These beautifully illustrated Christmas children’s books are a perfect way to share the story of Christ. Right now they’re 80% off! But hurry—this sale ends when Christmas does!

Christmas2015 childrensThe Christmas Donkey: BUY NOW

Drupelet, a young donkey named after a juice bump on a raspberry, lived on a raspberry farm and his wish was to one day be as special as the prize horses in a nearby pasture. As Christmas rolled around, Drupelet went on an adventure that saw him standing next to a baby in a manger and a young girl in funny cloths. On returning to the farm Drupelet inquired what this was all about, this is when the wise barn cat shared the story of Christmas. Drupelet now felt special.

Chesed’s Order: BUY NOW

The center point of all human history is come. While Earth sleepily awaits the momentary entrance of her Savior, Heaven’s celestial courts resound with celebration at the prophesied birth of its King. Chesed, a mere “ordinary” angel, who’s yet found most fervent in service and praise, longs for a mere glimpse into the great mystery of his King’s great love for fallen mankind—love which now sends Him to redeem them with His own lifeblood!

The Manger Mouse: BUY NOW

What really happened the night Jesus was born? Matty’s mother tells him he will take part in the most important thing ever to happen in history. Why him, a meek and lowly stable mouse? All Matty the manger mouse wants to do is snuggle into the warmth of his mother and fall asleep—but the Creator of the world has another plan for him. Will the little stable mouse surrender to his own needs or bow to the will of the Savior? Children and adults will be touched by Matty’s brave little heart. As the story of that first Christmas unfolds, come join Matty and all the other stable dwellers—portrayed in lush and charming pastel illustrations.

A Donkey’s Little Tale: BUY NOW

Preparing for the journey to Bethlehem in order to register for the census, Joseph groomed the gentle donkey colt chosen to accompany him and his bride, who was with child. Along the way, the charming little beast of burden committed to memory all he saw and heard along the way in hopes that his intuitive insights and attention to detail would be passed down for generations to come. Little did he realize he would be a witness to the birth of the Christ Child, never dreaming he would be pressed into the service of a King. Thus, the little chronicler fills in many gaps in the love story of Joseph and Mary, and the joyous birth of Jesus. This is his little tale.