Posts Tagged ‘Larry Vaughn’

99¢ SALE: One Day Only!

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For 24 hours we’re offering a brand new title for just 99¢! Pick up Larry Vaughn and Mentora Vaughn Gratrix’s new book Hollywood’s Chosen: An Insider Shares His Story for less than a buck for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait– pick up Hollywood’s Chosen right now for just 99¢ on Kindle.

Hollywood's ChosenSynopsis: Larry Vaughn’s fate would be determined by a single, high-stakes moment. Drawing the right card meant success and a cut in millions of dollars. Failure meant Jaws would not play in his theatre, and Vaughn would miss one of the biggest hits of the decade.

For as long as there have been movies there have been film buyers, and yet hardly anyone outside the motion picture industry has heard of the job. They are the hot shots celebrities clamor to meet. These Hollywood gamblers use their skill and sheer instinct to decide what movie they think will be the next box office hit for their theatres. Vaughn’s success with Jaws, Star Wars, Rocky and Forrest Gump marks him as one of the best.

Despite a life full of red carpets and movie premiers, Vaughn’s story begins in a poor, single-parent household as a boy who simply loved spending Saturdays at the movie theatre. His life takes a wild ride through Hollywood, climbing from poverty to riches by pure determination and a passion for film.

Through a cast of characters that includes celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone, Michael J. Fox, and Clint Eastwood, Vaughn describes the drama and intrigue that accompanies being one of Hollywood’s chosen and shares about films, family, and a crucial decision that put his faith and career at odds. BUY NOW!

Movie Executive Reveals Remarkable Story in New Memoir

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Hollywood’s Chosen Shares Undocumented Aspect of Film Industry

For immediate release:There are fewer than 100 full-time film buyers in North America, but without them some 40,000 theater screens would be blank. For more than two decades Larry Vaughn served as the liaison between Hollywood studios and the movie theaters he represented. In his new book Hollywood’s Chosen: An Insider Shares His Story(Ambassador International; September 2014; $16.99, paperback) Vaughn is pulling back the curtain on a largely undocumented aspect of the film industry. 

Hollywood's ChosenThrough a cast of characters that includes celebrities like Sylvester Stallone, Michael J. Fox and Clint Eastwood, Vaughn describes the drama and delight that accompanies being one of Hollywood’s Chosen. Vaughn began working at a movie theater when he was 15, earning just $.50 an hour. As a child growing up in a poor, single-parent household Vaughn dreamed of a life filled with movie stars and thrilling plots, a fantasy that was fulfilled when he became the vice president and head film buyer of a theater circuit located in one of the top movie markets in the country. Vaughn’s job consisted of meetings with producers, directors and actors; reviewing scripts; and watching yet-to-be released movies from his own private screening room.

After becoming a Christian later in life, Vaughn faced a difficult decision that put his career and faith at odds. At the pinnacle of his career Vaughn made the difficult decision not to show a certain film, a controversial movie that made national headlines. With a foreword from Movie Tavern President and CEO John Hersker along with endorsements from Hollywood icons like Bruce Snyder and Bert Livingston of 20th Century Fox as well as Mark Gaines from Universal Pictures Distribution, Hollywood’s Chosen is set to be a blockbuster hit.

About the Authors: Larry Vaughn was raised in Greenville, South Carolina by a single parent. His humble beginnings didn’t stop him from dreaming about DV_11-15-13_039a career in the Hollywood entertainment industry. Larry started ushering in his neighborhood movie theater and climbed the corporate ladder, where he later became Vice President/Head Film Buyer for a premier theater circuit in one of the top movie markets in the country. Today, Larry lives in South Bend, Indiana with his wife.

Mentora Vaughn Gratrix was born in Miami, Florida, and later lived in Myrtle Beach and Greenville, South Carolina. She and her husband Jeffrey, currently live in South Bend, Indiana with their two daughters.


To connect with the author or to request a review copy of Hollywood’s Chosen please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].