Posts Tagged ‘Pastor’

#Throwback Thursday: Pastor & Deacons: Servants Working Together

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As we reminisce on the over forty years that God has blessed Ambassador International to remain in business, we are highlighting a different #backlistbook each week in a series called #ThrowbackThursday.

Carl Herbster has served for over 20 years as pastor of Tri-City Baptist Church in Independence, Missouri. The church has started several other churches, operates a Christian school, and a Christian camp (Southland Christian Camp), and is heavily committed to foreign missions.

Ken Howerton is a certified program manager with IBM. He has served as chairman of deacons in two churches. His wisdom and stability and his commitment to the Lord’s work, have made him a gracious servant and wise counselor.

As fellow servants in the same church, Carl Herbster and Kenneth Howerton collaborated in the writing of Pastor & Deacons: Servants Working Together to answer questions such as:

  • How should a church be organized?
  • What functions do the pastors, deacons, and congregation serve?
  • Who qualifies for the offices of pastor and deacon?
  • How should a church manage its finances?
  • How does a congregation biblically address problems?

Pastor and Deacons by Carl Herbster and Ken HowertonPublished by Ambassador International on September 1, 2006, the “on-the-job,” real-life experiences of the authors make this a particularly practical book and no less relevant to churches today.

Pastor & Deacons is a practical exposition and application of biblical principles of church organization and leadership, and is a must-read for pastors, pastoral staffs, deacons, and any other church leadership. Don’t trust us? Trust the word of evangelist Tom Farrell who endorsed this book saying, “Pastor & Deacons is a must-read for all those in church leadership . . . . This book is biblical, practical and helpful. It is chock-full of “how to” ideas that will strengthen relationships and promote spiritual unity in the local church. The principles on church discipline and the chapter on “Dealing with Difficulties” are worth the price of the book. Pastor, get this book and you will refer to it often.”


You can add Pastors & Deacons  to your Goodreads HERE and you can learn more and find purchase links HERE. This book is currently available in paperback and ebook.


For a limited time, you can grab the Pastors & Deacons ebook for .99; however, if you have a father in your life who works in church leadership, this book would also make a wonderful Father’s Day present! He will love and appreciate it for years to come!

10 Steps for Fighting Life’s Battles Successfully

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Billy Graham’s Pastor Empowers Readers to Live Life Undefeated

For immediate release: Every day we face numerous battles in life that challenge us financially, emotionally, and spiritually. In Undefeated: God’s Strategy for Successful Living (Ambassador International; September 2015; $10.99, paperback) author and pastor Dr. Don Wilton equips readers with the proper groundwork and training to not just face, but conquer life’s battles through God’s strength.

UndefeatedLiving in an upper-class neighborhood, driving a fast motor-car, and having lots of toys are worthless when faced with a life-threatening illness. In other words, the success you’re chasing won’t help you overcome difficulty and tragedy. Using the same strategy Jehoshaphat used in 2 Chronicles to obtain victory, Wilton provides ten steps for fighting the battles of life successfully. “These steps will help you live a life of integrity, purity, accountability, and humility,” writes Wilton. “The assurance that God has ‘got your back’ will remove any fear you may have in facing these battles head-on.”

Each chapter of Undefeated breaks down one of the ten steps for fighting life’s battles successfully which include:

  • Recognize the enemy
  • Listen to alarms
  • Resolve to fast and pray
  • Assemble a team

At the end of each chapter, a list of study questions guides readers to more intimately and specifically apply these steps to their own lives and battles. Wilton explains, the best way to overcome is to allow God to fight our battles, but there are steps everyone must take in order to summon God’s help.

As the pastor to “America’s Pastor” Rev. Billy Graham, Wilton also shares wisdom gleaned from Graham over the years. On his North Carolina porch Graham told Wilton the four core values that helped Graham’s ministry experience unmatched success. “These principles not only helped them to be successful in their ministries but in their personal lives and families as well,” says Wilton.

About the author: Don Wilton is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Spartanburg, South Carolina and is the founder and president of The Encouraging Word broadcast ministry which is enjoyed by more than a million people through television, radio, and the Internet. In addition, he is passionate about hosting teaching tours to the Holy Land each year including Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Rome. Undefeated: God’s Strategy for Successful Living is Dr. Wilton’s 9th book and the first book in a series on Conquering Life’s Battles.

Dr. Wilton has the privilege of serving as Dr. Billy Graham’s pastor. They have remained close friends for many years, and he is a frequent speaker for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Schools of Evangelism and for The Cove. He is a highly sought after Bible expositor and preaches around the world. Don and his wife, Karyn, have three grown children who serve the Lord around the world in ministry. They have seven grandchildren.

To connect with the author or request a review copy of Undefeated please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].